This is a story about create a html game prototype by using as a programmer and p5.js as a JavaScript library for easy use of the Canvas API.
remark: chapter seven is learnings, if you would like to skip some chapters.
There was this dream of creating a simple game based on HTML and making it available on the web.
Our resources are often not sufficient for this.
If you look at existing web games, it quickly becomes clear that a lot of graphics are required.
Yes there are open source game assets ...
If you look at existing web game frameworks, it quickly becomes clear that a lot of training time is needed to achieve minimal results.
Yes there are tutorials for it ...
If you want a result, then you have to reduce requirements ... , i.e. 2D graphics ant not 3D graphics.
looks, to project management: small Time, small Scope and Cost (What is it worth to you).
And some project managers add knowledge as a fourth dimension. (Do the tutorials)
and then comes the inner drive, do it
how to start?
Now minimal research is necessary ...
Start with HTML technology: There are two of them to draw simple graphics, such as lines and texts.
one is the 'Canvas API' for 2D grapics
an other is 'WebGL' for 2D graphics and 3D grapics and use of hardware graphics acceleration
decision: use canvas api
next: is a framework or a JavaScript library needed.
the answer here is: it depends
decision: we start with a JavaScript library, a framework is too big
research: JavaScript library for Canvas API
there are some: p5.js , konva.js, d3.js, sprite.js, pixi.js, easel.js
look around by jourself, it is a matter of taste, and and a fit to your own previous experience
decision: i go for p5.js and yes there is a online editor see
Don't be surprised that there is already code there. More on that later.
develop an easy-to-implement game idea with numbers
use zero graphics
use only basic drawing elements, e.g. text and lines
uses one of the available AI chats in the role of the software developer and explainer
I have taken on different roles:
game idea developer
requirement definer
Software developer to understand the evolving program
Software tester to test the evolving program
for this i decide to use in a chat
i was use Visual Studio Code in a git project
(not optimal , i know now, but for this first thing it was working for me)
in the ai chat: ask about code in p5 js
copy the whole code answer into my evolving file sketch.js
from a certain size of the response, the entire code was no longer printed completely
and indeed there is a line limit of 357
from this point, i added 'show only the changed code'
This resulted in the ai chat responses completely returning the changed functions.
them my copy work changed to: copy from the code answer the changed functions over the existing functions into my evolving file sketch.js
that works, but was not efficient
my thought on this: there are certainly better workflows
start the local webserver with start-http-server.bsh
open the browser with this localhost address
test the new 'functionality'
based on this
ask for more code in the form of requirements
ask for a fix of a bug, i.e. 'requirement x' does not work anymore, please fix
optional correct your previous requirements if:
- they were incorrect or incomplete
- the ai-chat interpreted them unexpectedly
add the my ai-chat prompts into file llm-commands.txt
git commit the changes in sketch.js with llm-commands.txt
in summary there are only 39 prompts
in summary at the end there was in sketch.js 415 lines.
code in p5 js
add a grid with random numbers
score calculation
reuse existing function buttons with real used functions
add some layout : add some elements around the grid
add implement game mechanics, i.e. how to play with the game
restrict moves
add highscore (was later removed)
add rate the player's performance as a three stars rating
add a game level system: show all levels with its three stars in a own level page.
( I was impressed how this was understood and implemented )
determining the game flow between level side and game side
add more levels and introduction of 8 level groups (based on number of columns in the grid)
change level page to show only active level group
add a missing level group (change of a existing requirement)
the result is a functioning game prototype
see link below to play it
yes there are software errors
see it as a software tester to find out which ones are
my goals were fulfilled:
creating a working game prototype
publish a working game prototype
first experience of how code can be generated and extended via an ai chat
try a new development cycle by using an ai chat
This Development cycle: Copying and pasting from ai chat to a file is not efficient
( I already know that there is something better, keyword )
learn about ouptut limits
not tried here: creating automated software tests
This Development cycle: was only work with one source code file
This Development cycle: excludes version management (i.e. git)
get experience with
just one rule: higher is better
and press on 'Level 1-1' to start
and yes it is a 3-star Level Game
there are some miner bugs, but try by yourself ...
see it as software testing