
how to enable GPU for iMac

Closed this issue · 20 comments

How to enable GPU temp for iMac? in istats gpu temp is shown as TG0D (GPU 0 Die), TG1D (GPU 1 Die), TG0P (proximity). iMac has Radeon Pro Vega graphic card-
The line in index.jsx 'extra.tcgc-peci-gpu-temp' is meant for intel gpu in mbp right?

roele commented

Once the key is enabled in istats, the value can be derived from istats output by using lower case and replacing spaces with a dash. So TG0P GPU 0 Proximity will translate to key value extra.tg0p-gpu-0-proximity.

I have tried like this (see screenshot) but it is not shown in widget. What am I doing wrong?
Screenshot 2019-10-21 at 17 31 33

roele commented

This looks correct.

Is the istats key enabled properly? Respectively does the command istats also show the expected value for the key?
⚠️ Note that an istats scan might reset the enabled keys.

Did you restart Übersicht after the change? There might be some caching/loading issues and changes to the config might only be shown after a hard restart.

I have enabled all keys and also restarted Übersicht. istats show all keys, but in widget there are only 2 (cpu, fan). Strange

roele commented

Can you please attach the output of istats > istats.txt, maybe you're hitting a (parser) bug or similar.

now my terminal doesn't work anymore (got this problem with "zsh: command not found: $"
trying to fix this, but it's not working (trying this solution

roele commented

Sorry, removed the $ sign as i usually use this to indicate CLI commands...

roele commented

Okey thanks. Parser does not seem to have any issues with your output but it slightly differs from the attached screenshot in the sense that the keys end with temp: and with that the key would become extra.tg0d-gpu-0-die-temp, extra.tg0p-gpu-0-proximity-temp or extra.tg1d-gpu-1-die-temp.

So basically the pattern is <section>.<key> where <section> is lower case of --- <section> Stats --- and <key> is lower case and spaces replaced by dash of TG0D GPU 0 Die temp.

That worked!
But now I have "new" problem, icons are not visible (I still have the non updated widget where icons are visible, but I can't add graphic ones). Any idea why?

somehow I can't upload screenshot, tried several times :(

roele commented

Maybe the same issue as #20?

icons.ttf and index.css are in the same folder as index.jsx (this should be like this no?)

same structure as in old widget but there icons are visible

roele commented

what does "old widget" mean? the include of the index.css is hardcoded (in src/components/Stats.jsx) with istats.widget/index.css so having a copy of the folder with another name will lead to non-properly rendered stats.

I have 2 widget (so I can test new, updated one). one is called istat.widget, other one istat.widget 1
could this be the problem?

roele commented

If you use keys which do not contain battery, cpu, gpu or fan you might define a custom icon as described in the

I have the widgets displayed, but without icons. Damn :)
Screenshot 2019-10-23 at 17 31 33

roele commented

Only thing i can recommend at this point is to use the Übersicht Show Debug Console and try to figure out why the icons are not rendered.

Screenshot 2019-10-23 at 18 59 50

Strangely enough after I had removed all widgets and reinstalled them all, everything works now. It seems that there was something wrong when I added twice same widget (old and updated version).

Thank you again @roele for all the help!