
Show menu in target app?

gingerbeardman opened this issue · 4 comments

Is it possible to show menu interactively whilst I'm searching for it?

  • Affinity recently removed the help search menu in their 2.5 apps
  • Finbar is a decent workaround

But could it show me where the menu item is?

Perhaps by AppleScripting the opening of the menus in the target app?

Perhaps as an option+enter when choose a menu? So then I can see it, learn, and action it myself.

Hi Matt!

  1. I did consider adding an option to “reveal” a menu item in the hierarchy, but I found out it requires a significant amount of work. Unless requested by additional customers, I’ll have to put in the backlog for now. However, I’m working on a similar feature, intrinsic to Finbar, that might satisfy you in this sense.
  2. Why do you consider Finbar merely a “decent” workaround? I want your experience to be excellent. I’d love to hear what could be improved (other than the aforementioned request).

P. S. — Affinity removing the help menu has to be in some way or another a violation of the HIG. I’d contact them if I was a user of their products.


What I meant by "decent" (bad choice of word) is that Finbar is a workaround to an issue that shouldn't really exist. App developers as high profile as Affinity shouldn't be removing the help search menu just because their help files so bad they are crashing.

There is a long thread on the Affinity forum about this, I doubt they will fix it any time soon. I have bug I've reported to them still unresolved for more than 6 years.

Also, I generally use Cmd+Shift+/ (aka Cmd+?) in all apps, so Finbar hasn't been very sticky for me.

And I've experimented with an Alfred workflow

I see, thanks for clarifying. I’m saddened by the fact Finbar isn’t enticing enough for you to ditch Cmd+?, but hopefully what I’m working would change that, so stay tuned. I’ll leave this issue open until I implement what’s needed, and I’d love to hear your feedback then.

Looking forward to it!