
Repeated uint32 not working on gui

JoaoSobral opened this issue · 5 comments


Wombat interface does not let me expand the "objID" (see picture below) this is an array of uint32.
Screenshot 2020-12-13 at 02 22 29

Screenshot 2020-12-13 at 02 22 52

Hey @JoaoSobral; thanks for reporting.

I don't think this is an issue with uint32 directly; as it works for me:


What is being displayed in the GUI (Wombat) does not appear to match the Proto file 🤔 : your proto is showing that objID is a repeated uint32 but Wombat is showing repeated protobuild.servicebusinness.Organisation; are you sure you are parsing the right set of proto files?

Your bug may be related to similar bug I found that would reset/loose the state between changing methods for oneof fields that contained repeated values, that could cause the "add" on repeated fields to become unresponsive (which I think is happening in your case).

I think I have solved this with #37 🤞


I double check and I am parsing the right proto. Same situation happens with Organisationset (repeated organisations). Try this behaviour -> organisationservice (create) and add organisations (will work) -> (delete) and add organisations (will fail) -> go back to create (will fail). Change service to processservice and cameback to organisationservice (create) will work. Concerning delete never worked. I will send the proto via email to you.

Thank you for sending the proto file. Wow.... bad bug.
I was able to replicate your issue with your proto file with v0.3.2; the good news that I also tried with #37 and it fixes it.
There are just a few label problems that I still need to fix but nothing major.

@JoaoSobral I've just released v0.3.3; let me know if that resolves your issues.

Thanks again for reporting.

Working good @0.3.3! Thanks for been fast.