
Results_Pivot - Bonus Seconds not tracked

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Currently Results_Pivot doesn't track bonus seconds.

Will be part of Phase 5 ingestion to include GC Time (which includes bonus seconds), KOM, Points and Youth jersey.

GC_Time and GC_Position on Stage Level incorrectly labelled.

Should be labelled Stage Time and Stage Position.

Changed Field Names to match what they should be labelled.

Data is now ingested, still need to transform data.

Bonus Seconds will have to be a manual addition to the results function.

Should just be lead() function where stage_number for lead is 1 smaller than the current stage_number.

Probably will have issues surrounding TTT data not being transformed so that might become a bigger priority.

Bonus seconds are now tracked.

There is a data issue that I have noticed with methodology of creating gc_time_stage and comparing that to the stage_time when the time is used from before the finish line - eg TDF Stage 21. I think it's fine as long as I note that down. Bonus Seconds comparisons will be mainly to compare amount of bonuses vs other GC contenders.