
Suspensful random number picker created for the New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge's kickoff roulette

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Suspensful random number picker created for the New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge's kickoff roulette.


This program only uses the Python standard library. No external dependencies are necessary, besides a Python installation.

If you install the pyaudio Python library, this program can play sound.

Try any of:

python3 ./SCC_roulette.py
python2 ./SCC_roulette.py


  • Press space, enter, or click the button to pick a random number
  • All options configurable through the dropdown menu
  • Configuration is saved to a file
  • Optional sound effect

A screenshot of the program displaying a number

A screenshot of various parts of the program


Run make commitready to format and lint the code.

Use make setup-with-pipenv to setup development dependencies or install the dependencies in ./development_requirements.txt in your own way.

Try to use the Python version specified in the .tool-versions file.


The license for this project is in the LICENSE file.


"tada" sound comes from: https://freesound.org/people/nolhananas/sounds/476340/