
Kafka Python Demo

Primary LanguagePython


Kafka Python Demo

What does it do?

Different producers represent different sensors recording information about a certain activity. They provide coordinates about where they observed the activity.

Different sensors have differing levels of accuracy and must be considered relatively when calculating the actual value.

The Consumer consumes information from the 3 sensors and tries to accurately infer the correct coordinates of the object that is being tracked. The Consumer reports this value to a new topic called 'location' which has a different consumer (consumer_loc.py) which reports the inferred location.

There can be cases where the real time information (as accurate as possible) about the coordinates is required and this time sensivity may make wrong inferences expensive. In that case, we take a moving average of the reported coordinates and report updated information real time. By Strong Law of Large Numbers, these estimates will converge to the real values eventually!

To setup

Install the required library pip install kafka-python

Create the topics

bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic sensors

bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic location

Once the topics are ready, launch each file in a new terminal tab. To start all of the producers, simply do:

python producer1.py & python producer2.py & python producer3.py

To read, run python consumer.py in one tab and python consumer_loc.py in the other.

Once all the producers and consumers are running, you will begin to the see the calculated coordinates on consumers_loc.py