Wrong Classpath for the ASM Version Update
cc-21 opened this issue · 1 comments
The recent update of the ASM version leads to zero coverage when running jqf-zest. In order to fix the issue, the classpath declared in scripts/jqf-driver.sh (line 22) needs to be changed to version 9.4 instead of 9.1:
Steps to Reproduce:
Follow the tutorial to run JQF on MacOS.
mvn install
# go to the folder of programs under test and compile the java files
javac -cp .:$($JQF_DIR/scripts/classpath.sh) CalendarLogic.java CalendarGenerator.java CalendarTest.java
$JQF_DIR/bin/jqf-zest -c .:$($JQF_DIR/scripts/classpath.sh) CalendarTest testLeapYear
The instrumentation does not work properly so that running JQF will not generate coverage information at all (i.e., Total coverage: 0 branches (0.00% of map)
Semantic Fuzzing with Zest
Test name: CalendarTest#testLeapYear
Instrumentation: Janala
Results directory: /Users/madonnahuang/master_projects/fall2022/research/zest-tut/fuzz-results
Elapsed time: 1s (no time limit)
Number of executions: 85,058 (no trial limit)
Valid inputs: 59 (0.07%)
Cycles completed: 0
Unique failures: 0
Queue size: 0 (0 favored last cycle)
Current parent input: <seed>
Execution speed: 95,733/sec now | 47,045/sec overall
Total coverage: 0 branches (0.00% of map)
Valid coverage: 0 branches (0.00% of map)
Fuzzing stopped due to guidance exception: Too many trials without coverage; likely all assumption violations
Time: 1.698
There was 1 failure:
1) testLeapYear(CalendarTest)
edu.berkeley.cs.jqf.fuzz.guidance.GuidanceException: Too many trials without coverage; likely all assumption violations
at edu.berkeley.cs.jqf.fuzz.ei.ZestGuidance.lambda$getInput$0(ZestGuidance.java:666)
at edu.berkeley.cs.jqf.fuzz.ei.ZestGuidance.conditionallySynchronize(ZestGuidance.java:1054)
at edu.berkeley.cs.jqf.fuzz.ei.ZestGuidance.getInput(ZestGuidance.java:652)
at edu.berkeley.cs.jqf.fuzz.junit.quickcheck.FuzzStatement.evaluate(FuzzStatement.java:117)
at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner$1.evaluate(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:100)
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(ParentRunner.java:366)
at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:103)
at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:63)
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$4.run(ParentRunner.java:331)
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:79)
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:329)
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$100(ParentRunner.java:66)
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:293)
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:306)
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:413)
at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:137)
at edu.berkeley.cs.jqf.fuzz.junit.GuidedFuzzing.run(GuidedFuzzing.java:213)
at edu.berkeley.cs.jqf.fuzz.junit.GuidedFuzzing.run(GuidedFuzzing.java:159)
at edu.berkeley.cs.jqf.fuzz.junit.GuidedFuzzing.run(GuidedFuzzing.java:123)
at edu.berkeley.cs.jqf.fuzz.ei.ZestDriver.main(ZestDriver.java:77)
Tests run: 1, Failures: 1
The coverage information will load normally after fixing the ASM version specified in the classpath.
Thank you for your time.
Thanks for the report. Yes, this is just a matter of bumping the classpath. Most users just run the Maven plugin mvn jqf:fuzz
, which does not require setting the classpath explicitly, so this fell under the radar.