
local scope on mbid variable

geolaw opened this issue · 1 comments

I see this is no longer being supported.

I found your script and have been messing around with it on an arch install which has hooks into mpv playback via ranger.
I was finding that although the "d" variable on the musicbrainz look up was coming back with valid XML that it was not correctly getting passed back to the coverart look up.
I finally tracked it down to the local scope on mbid with the string.match

local mbid = string.match(d or "",

Removing the local scope fixed this :
mbid = string.match(d or "",

Based on other issues, I forked it over on gitlab with credit given :)

Ah, a fork :) I'd ask you to push the original git history (from this repository here) to GitLab, or at least change your README to include the original license terms.