
Rendering issues: command line renders below screen

rabirabirara opened this issue · 8 comments


Just off the bat, this is what nvui looks like when I open it.

For starters, it's confused by my taskbar placement and hides the title bar behind it; this is remedied by using the Windows+Arrow keys of course.

Secondly, the correct font is not used; it renders a non-monospaced font. I have a ginit.vim, but nvui hasn't read any of it. How do I get it to read my configuration? I know that the problem stems from not having a monospace font (#32), but I've set a monospace font in configuration.

Speaking of setting, for some reason I can't see the status line no matter what. This means I can't see commands; they are below the window.


(Sorry about the recording; I just used the Powerpoint screen recorder. I captured the entirety of the nvui screen for sure.)

Now, I can set guifont to some fallback like Consolas after I get into the gui. And I'm sure I could set the window to open to whatever position I want it (just need to figure out where to configure it, or use the terminal). However, I still wouldn't be able to see the command line. Do you have any idea why this occurs? It occurs even with init.vim and ginit.vim empty.

I am on Windows 10, with neovim 0.5.0.

nvui doesn't read the ginit.vim. Instead nvui defines the variable g:nvui, so you can place nvui configuration commands like this.


if exists('g:nvui')
  " configure nvui here (ex.)
  NvuiCmdFontFamily Jetbrains Mono
  set guifont=Consolas


if vim.fn.exists('g:nvui') ~= 0 then
  -- Configure nvui here

Just as an example, here's a snippet of what my nvui config looks like:

if exists('g:nvui')
  set linespace=1
  set guifont=Consolas\ NF:h11
  NvuiPopupMenuDefaultIconFg white
  NvuiCmdBg #1e2125
  NvuiCmdFg #abb2bf
  NvuiCmdBigFontScaleFactor 1.0
  NvuiCmdPadding 10
  NvuiCmdCenterXPos 0.5
  NvuiCmdTopPos 0.0
  NvuiCmdFontFamily Fantasque Sans Mono
  NvuiCmdFontSize 25.0
  NvuiCmdBorderWidth 5
  NvuiPopupMenuIconFg variable #56b6c2
  NvuiPopupMenuIconFg function #c678dd
  NvuiPopupMenuIconFg method #c678dd
  NvuiPopupMenuIconFg field #d19a66
  NvuiPopupMenuIconFg property #d19a66
  NvuiPopupMenuIconFg module white
  NvuiPopupMenuIconFg struct #e5c07b
  NvuiCaretExtendTop 15
  NvuiCaretExtendBottom 8
  NvuiTitlebarFontSize 12
  NvuiTitlebarFontFamily Arial
  NvuiCursorAnimationDuration 0.1
  set guicursor=n-v-c-sm:block-Cursor,i-ci-ve:ver25-Cursor-blinkwait300-blinkon500-blinkoff300,r-cr-o:hor20

I would have to look into the command line showing problem. Could you disable the frameless window (:NvuiFrameless v:false) and see if that solves anything?

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the command line from hiding underneath the screen. I did however stumble upon some new information - it's not a problem solely with the command line, but rather the entire bottom few lines of the GUI window are simply not rendered. If I open a buffer, I can move the cursor down, and it will go out of the screen as though it's still in the window - but the program window itself does not render it, and changing its size does not help.

A little demonstration. (Again, apologies for the messiness.)

hosxy commented

I also have this problem on Windows 10 (version 2004)

So for those bottom lines there is no text?
At the bottom of the window is there any background color or is it just black?

Specifically, those bottom lines seem to be cut off by the window, as though the window was pulled upwards without resizing its contents. If it were to display correctly, it would seem as though we could just pull the window down to reveal the lines; that's what it's like. The bottom lines clearly exist in the instance of Vim, the window is just never displaying them because it looks like it cut itself short.

(The black is from my OBS recording. Sorry about that.)

Could you check if #65 fixes your issues? If you had a non standard (i.e. not 100%) DPI setting the problem may have been caused by that.

hosxy commented

Could you check if #65 fixes your issues? If you had a non standard (i.e. not 100%) DPI setting the problem may have been caused by that.

yeah,my DPI is 125% and this solve my problem. Now I can see command line.

Yup, problem solved. Good work!
