
[Questions]: cursor display problem

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have installed the newest release 0.2.0 on Windows 10. Everythings works fine except that the cursor is almost invisible. I have tried change colorscheme and cursor hightlighting but it didn't work. Is it possible to get the cursor to white or visible?


Huh that's weird. If you haven't set a highlight group for the cursor using guicursor it should be using your default foreground color. Do you have guicursor set? If not could you show your Normal highlight group using hi Normal?

I haven't set guicursor and it is nvim default value.

And my highlight group:

:hi Normal
Normal         xxx ctermfg=145 ctermbg=235 guifg=#ABB2BF guibg=#282C34

Okay, I'm getting the same error, I think I know what it is.


Should be fixed now on main

Thank you for your great work!