GitHub User Search and Repository Display


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  • User Search: Search for GitHub users by username.
  • User Information: Display user information including name, bio, followers, following, and public repositories.
  • Repository Display: View a paginated list of user repositories with descriptions and topics.
  • Pagination: Navigate through the list of repositories using a paginated interface.

Getting Started


  • Make sure you have a modern web browser installed.
  • Obtain a GitHub API key by following the instructions here.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd githubProfile
  3. replace <Api_key> in index.js whith your own github token

  4. run the html, Open your web browser and use the webisite.


  1. Enter a GitHub username in the search box.
  2. View detailed information about the user, including their avatar, bio, followers, following, repositories, location, blog, and Twitter username (if available).
  3. Scroll down to see the user's repositories.
  4. Customize the number of repositories displayed per page using the "Repositories per Page" input.
  5. Use the pagination links to navigate through the user's repositories.