- User Search: Search for GitHub users by username.
- User Information: Display user information including name, bio, followers, following, and public repositories.
- Repository Display: View a paginated list of user repositories with descriptions and topics.
- Pagination: Navigate through the list of repositories using a paginated interface.
- Make sure you have a modern web browser installed.
- Obtain a GitHub API key by following the instructions here.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/rohit-sama/githubProfile.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd githubProfile
replace <Api_key> in index.js whith your own github token
run the html, Open your web browser and use the webisite.
- Enter a GitHub username in the search box.
- View detailed information about the user, including their avatar, bio, followers, following, repositories, location, blog, and Twitter username (if available).
- Scroll down to see the user's repositories.
- Customize the number of repositories displayed per page using the "Repositories per Page" input.
- Use the pagination links to navigate through the user's repositories.