import ""
Package inject is guice-inspired dependency injection for Go.
This project is in no way affiliated with the Guice project, but I recommend reading their docs to better understand the concepts.
type Module interface {
Bind(from ...interface{}) Builder
BindTagged(tag string, from ...interface{}) Builder
BindInterface(fromInterface ...interface{}) InterfaceBuilder
BindTaggedInterface(tag string, fromInterface ...interface{}) InterfaceBuilder
BindTaggedBool(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedInt(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedInt8(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedInt16(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedInt32(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedInt64(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedUint(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedUint8(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedUint16(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedUint32(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedUint64(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedFloat32(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedFloat64(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedComplex64(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedComplex128(tag string) Builder
BindTaggedString(tag string) Builder
type Builder interface {
ToSingleton(singleton interface{})
ToConstructor(constructor interface{})
ToSingletonConstructor(constructor interface{})
ToTaggedConstructor(constructor interface{})
ToTaggedSingletonConstructor(constructor interface{})
type InterfaceBuilder interface {
To(to interface{})
func NewModule() Module { return newModule() }
A Module is analogous to Guice's AbstractModule, used for setting up your dependencies. This allows you to bind structs, struct pointers, interfaces, and primitives to singletons, constructors, with or without tags.
An interface can have a binding to another type, or to a singleton or constructor.
type SayHello interface {
Hello() string
type SayHelloOne struct {
value string
func (i *SayHelloOne) Hello() string {
return i.value
module := inject.NewModule()
module.BindInterface((*SayHello)(nil)).To(&SayHelloOne{}) // valid, but must provide a binding to *SayHelloOne.
module.Bind(&SayHelloOne{}).ToSingleton(&SayHelloOne{"Salutations"}) // there we go
An interface can also be bound to a singleton or constructor.
A struct, struct pointer, or primitive must have a direct binding to a singleton or constructor.
All errors from binding will be returned as one error when calling inject.NewInjector(...).
type Injector interface {
Get(from interface{}) (interface{}, error)
GetTagged(tag string, from interface{}) (interface{}, error)
GetTaggedBool(tag string) (bool, error)
GetTaggedInt(tag string) (int, error)
GetTaggedInt8(tag string) (int8, error)
GetTaggedInt16(tag string) (int16, error)
GetTaggedInt32(tag string) (int32, error)
GetTaggedInt64(tag string) (int64, error)
GetTaggedUint(tag string) (uint, error)
GetTaggedUint8(tag string) (uint8, error)
GetTaggedUint16(tag string) (uint16, error)
GetTaggedUint32(tag string) (uint32, error)
GetTaggedUint64(tag string) (uint64, error)
GetTaggedFloat32(tag string) (float32, error)
GetTaggedFloat64(tag string) (float64, error)
GetTaggedComplex64(tag string) (complex64, error)
GetTaggedComplex128(tag string) (complex128, error)
GetTaggedString(tag string) (string, error)
Call(function interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
CallTagged(taggedFunction interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
Populate(populateStruct interface{}) error
func NewInjector(modules ...Module) (Injector, error)
An Injector is analogous to Guice's Injector, providing your dependencies.
Given the binding:
We are able to get a value for SayHello.
func printHello(aboveModule inject.Module) error {
injector, err := inject.NewInjector(aboveModule)
if err != nil {
return err
sayHelloObj, err := injector.Get((*SayHello)(nil))
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println(sayHelloObj.(SayHello).Hello()) // will print "Salutations"
return nil
See the Injector interface for other methods.
A constructor is a function that takes injected values as parameters, and returns a value and an error.
type SayHelloToSomeone interface {
Greetings() string
type SayHelloToSomeoneOne struct {
sayHello SayHello
person string
func (i *SayHelloToSomeoneOne) Greetings() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s!", i.sayHello.Hello(), i.person)
We can set up a constructor to take zero values, or values that require a binding in some module passed to NewInjector().
func doStuff() error {
m1 := inject.NewModule()
m2 := inject.NewModule()
injector, err := inject.NewInjector(m1, m2)
if err != nil {
return err
sayHelloToSomeoneObj, err := injector.Get((*SayHelloToSomeone)(nil))
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println(sayHelloToSomeoneObj.(SayHelloToSomeone).Greetings()) // will print "Saluatations, Alice!"
return nil
func newSayHelloToSomeone(sayHello SayHello) (SayHelloToSomeone, error) {
return &SayHelloToSomeoneOne{sayHello, "Alice"}, nil
A singleton constructor will be called exactly once for the entire application.
var (
unsafeCounter := 0
func doStuff() error {
m1 := inject.NewModule()
m2 := inject.NewModule()
injector, err := inject.NewInjector(m1, m2)
if err != nil {
return err
sayHelloToSomeoneObj1, err := injector.Get((*SayHelloToSomeone)(nil))
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println(sayHelloToSomeoneObj1.(SayHelloToSomeone).Greetings()) // will print "Saluatations, Alice1!"
sayHelloToSomeoneObj2, err := injector.Get((*SayHelloToSomeone)(nil))
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println(sayHelloToSomeoneObj2.(SayHelloToSomeone).Greetings()) // will print "Saluatations, Alice1!"
return nil
func newSayHelloToSomeone(sayHello SayHello) (SayHelloToSomeone, error) {
return &SayHelloToSomeoneOne{sayHello, fmt.Sprintf("Alice%d", unsafeCounter)}, nil
Functions be called from an injector using the Call function. These functions have the same parameter requirements as constructors, but can have any return types.
func doStuffWithAboveM1(m1 inject.Module) error {
injector, err := inject.NewInjector(m1)
if err != nil {
return err
values, err := injector.Call(getStuff)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println(values[0) // "Salutations"
fmt.Println(values[1]) // 4
return nil
func getStuff(sayHello SayHello) (string, int) {
return sayHello.Hello(), 4
See the methods on Module and Constructor for more details.
A tag allows named multiple bindings of one type. As an example, let's consider if we want to have multiple ways to say hello.
func doStuff() error {
module := inject.NewModule()
module.BindTagged("english", (*SayHello)(nil)).ToSingleton(&SayHelloOne{"Hello"})
module.BindTagged("german", (*SayHello)(nil)).ToSingleton(&SayHelloOne{"Guten Tag"})
module.BindTagged("austrian", (*SayHello)(nil)).ToSingleton(&SayHelloOne{"Grüß Gott"})
injector, err := inject.NewInjector(module)
if err != nil {
return err
_ = printHello("english", injector) // not error checking for the sake of shorter docs
_ = printHello("german", injector)
_ = printHello("austrian", injector)
return nil
func printHello(tag string, injector inject.Injector) error {
sayHelloObj, err := injector.GetTagged(tag)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Structs can also be populated using the tag "inject".
type PopulateOne struct {
// must be public
English SayHello `inject:"english"`
German SayHello `inject:"german"`
Austrian SayHello `inject:"austrian"`
func printAllHellos(aboveInjector inject.Injector) error {
populateOne := &PopulateOne{}
if err := injector.Populate(populateOne); err != nil {
return err
return nil
Constructors can be tagged using structs, either named or anonymous.
type SayHowdy struct { // not interface, for this example
value string
func(s *SayHowdy) Howdy() {
return s.value
type PopulateTwo struct {
PopulateOne *PopulateOne
SayHowdy *SayHowdy
func doStuff(aboveModule inject.Module) error {
module := inject.NewModule()
injector, err := inject.NewInjector(aboveModule, module)
if err != nil {
return err
populateTwo, err := injector.Get(&PopulateTwo{})
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", populateTwo)
return nil
func newPopulateTwo(populateOne *PopulateOne) (*PopulateTwo, error) {
return &PopulateTwo{
PopulateOne, populateOne,
SayHowdy: &SayHowdy{"howdy"},
}, nil
// an anonymous struct can also be used in a constructor.
func newPopulateTwoAnonymous(str struct {
// must be public
English SayHello `inject:"english"`
German SayHello `inject:"german"`
Austrian SayHello `inject:"austrian"`
}) (*PopulateTwo, error) {
return &PopulateTwo{
PopulateOne: &PopulateOne{
English: str.English,
German: str.German,
Austrian: str.Austrian,
SayHowdy: &SayHowdy{"howdy"},
}, nil
A constructor can mix tagged values with untagged values in the input struct.
func doStuff(aboveModuleAgain injector.Module) error {
injector, err := inject.NewInjector(aboveModuleAgain)
if err != nil {
return err
populateTwo, err := injector.Get(&PopulateTwo{})
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", populateTwo)
return nil
func newPopulateTwo(str struct {
English SayHello `inject:"english"`
German SayHello `inject:"german"`
Austrian SayHello `inject:"austrian"`
SayHowdy SayHowdy
}) (*PopulateTwo, error) {
return &PopulateTwo{
PopulateOne: &PopulateOne{
English: str.English,
German: str.German,
Austrian: str.Austrian,
SayHowdy: str.SayHowdy,
}, nil
The CallTagged function works similarly to Call, except can take parameters like a tagged constructor.
Both Module and Injector implement fmt.Stringer for inspection, however this may be added to in the future to allow semantic inspection of bindings.