
Primary LanguageJavaScript




  • table of contents automatic generation with links to slides
  • nav popup/context menu
  • exposé mode (grid, inline)
  • responsive design (resize the text depending on your screen height)
  • pauses: display your slides step by step
  • only: to display elements of your slides exactly when you want
  • localization: select your language to display properly the date
  • create your own theme


  • lang: used for the date
    • values: de|en|fr
    • default: en
    • can be extended by extending the mySlides.lang object
  • tocLevel: number of levels in the table of contents
    • values: 1|2
    • default: 2
  • navPopupAsContextMenu: sets the nav popup as a context menu or a popup; activates one of the navPopupContextMenu or navPopupPopup classes
    • values: true|false
    • default: true
  • exposeMode: displays exposé in grid or inline mode; activates one of the exposeGrid or exposeInline classes
    • values: grid|inline
    • default: grid
  • slideNumberStyle: defines how the slide number will be displayed
    • default: %p/%t
    • use %p for the current slide number, %t for the total slides number
  • dateFormat: custom date format overriding the language's default date format
    • default: the date format of the selected language
    • %l: a full textual representation of the day of the week
    • %j: day of the month without leading zeros
    • %F: a full textual representation of a month
    • %n: numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
    • %y: a two digit representation of a year
    • %Y: a full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits

##Classes and IDs## All these classes and IDs are used by mySlides.js

  • .current: current slide
  • #date: where the date will be displayed
  • .expose: a slide in exposé mode
  • #expose: the exposé frame
  • #exposeButton: button to activate exposé
  • #exposeClose: button to close exposé
  • .exposeGrid: sets exposé in grid mode; use exposeMode: 'grid' to apply this class to #expose
  • .exposeInline: sets exposé in inline mode; use exposeMode: 'inline' to apply this class to #expose
  • #exposeSlideContainer: exposé slides will be inside
  • #loader: a loading frame; dismissed when mySlides.js is ready
  • #navButton: button to activate the nav popup
  • #navForm: form to jump directly to a slide, given a slide number; can contain a submit button, but only one <input type="text" />; this input's value will be used after the form is submitted
  • #navPopup: the nav popup
  • #navPopupClose: button to close the nav popup
  • .navPopupContextMenu: displays the nav popup as a context menu; use navPopupAsContextMenu: true to apply this class to #navPopup
  • .navPopupPopup: displays the nav popup as popup; use navPopupAsContextMenu: false to apply this class to #navPopup
  • #pages: where the pages will be displayed
  • .section: used to generate the table of contents; top level
  • .slide: a slide
  • #slides: container for the slides
  • .subsection: used to generate the table of contents; second level
  • .title: title of a slide; the content/value will be used in the table of contents
  • .toc: hosts the table of contents

Data attributes

  • onclick: data-onclick="classname" adds the class classname to the element when its clicked, and removes it when clicked again; classname is removed when changing slide
  • only: cf. \only in LaTeX
  • pause: to make pauses in your slides
