
Problems with the Firmware file

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Hi Mr. Rodic

I am trying to build a UroFlowMeter using your project.
I am very new to this, and have a couple of problems:

  • When I use your UPLOAD/UPLOADING file that I find in the jithub, the file UroflowESP32.ino_ESP32.bin is empty. It has zero size and I get an error when I run the .bat file (Timed Out waiting for packet header). The other 3 files are written correctly, including the partitions file, but this one is empty, so it looks.
  • I tried to use the file "UroflowESP32.ino.doitESP32devkitV1.bin" instead. this works well, but then the flow meter does not work. The LED stays on all the time and I do not see a wi-fi network when I scan for one from this machine.

Please note I am using the ESP32 devkitc_v4 board with ESP-Wroom-32D Ic on it. .

  1. Can you point me to the correct file I need to use?
  2. Can I get the original .ino files instead of the .bin files so I can try and understand what and how you are doing to get the data?
  3. Once everything works, I plan to try and write an android app that will present the data instead of a windows based PC. Did you try doing that as well?

Thank you for your time and help.

Please follow README.TXT in UPLOADING folder. It explains you have to overwrite the zero-byte file with firmware file and the run apropriate .bat file. Edit .json file beforehand.