
Color constants in Kick project's automatically built sprites.asm resource

Closed this issue · 3 comments

3vi1 commented

Am I misunderstanding these lines at the end of the built sprite resources .asm file?

// Type:         Meta Data
.const sprites_col_background = 0
.const sprites_col_multi1 = 1
.const sprites_col_multi2 = 0
.const sprites_sprite_count = 6

The first three values always seem to be 0, 1, 0... whereas I was expecting them to be the color values set in SpritePad.

I have changed the shared multicolors in SpritePad, deleted sprites, and added sprites. The actual sprites and sprite count updates when it rebuilds the file, but not the col_background and col_multi values. Re-opening the file in SpritePad shows my color changes did stick.

Thanks for the report - it's a bug in the sprite pad reader... will be fixed asap.

Just in case you're curious how to patch quickly: this will be the fix:
