
AdminOnSteroids is preventing the dialog for cloning repeater elements from closing.

ocorreiododiogo opened this issue · 3 comments

AdminOnSteroids is preventing the dialog for cloning repeater elements from closing.

Steps to reproduce this.
— Press the icon to clone a element in a repeater field. (A dialog opens)
— Press "ok" in the dialog. (The element is cloned but the dialog doesn't close)

— Do the same with AdminOnSteroids disabled. (All goes as it should)

I couldn't reproduce. Could you provide some details like what admin theme are you using and what AOS submodules are turned on? The best would be if you could narrow it down to one submodule if it's caused by that.

The admin is uikit. I'll do that at a later point since it's quite time consuming, for now, as a workaround, I'm just closing the overlay with jquery so I can carry on with the project :)

$("body").on("click", ".vex-dialog-buttons button", function(){

Until recently, I used a similar workaround that no longer works in ProcessWire 3.0.229 with RepeaterMatrix 0.1.1 and AdminOnSteroids 2.0.21.
The problem is caused by the option "Disable all admin animations" in the "Misc" module of AdminOnSteroids.
ProcessWire / RepeaterMatrix uses the framework Vex to display modal dialog windows layers and those modals do not close correctly if CSS animations are globally disabled.
The workaround described above no longer works because the modal dialog in the newer version already tries to close when an item in the select box is selected and not only when the button is clicked.