
Upgrade not available

Giuserver opened this issue ยท 21 comments

On all my cameras, the update button doesn't seem to work.
Screenshot 2023-12-17 alle 11 56 31

+1 , current ver 0.2.9 , same thing

maybe @roleoroleo can explain ๐Ÿ˜Š

I think it's the same probem described here:
roleoroleo/yi-hack-MStar#526 (comment)

A bug in the busybox wget.
I need to check it.
If you need to upgrade the fw, use the manual procedure described in the wiki.

I think it's the same probem described here: roleoroleo/yi-hack-MStar#526 (comment)
A bug in the busybox wget. I need to check it. If you need to upgrade the fw, use the manual procedure described in the wiki.

for me it shows /root is only-read system following what the wiki says

root@Yi36:/tmp# mv y21ga_0.3.0.tgz /root/ mv: can't create '/root/y21ga_0.3.0.tgz': Read-only file system

I allowed myself to do an update like this only once and i broke everything ๐Ÿ˜… we're waiting for the restore.. which I believe will happen on the server side. Also because i don't have the possibility to take the camera manually

Manual update procedure mentioned here says:

Copy the file in the root folder of the sd card.


Working "remote" procedure:

  1. Download latest firmware. On my PC I'm using simple wget command: wget
  2. Upload downloaded firmware to camera's SD card root /tmp/sd but with changed version number to x letters: scp y21ga_0.3.0.tgz scp://root@
  3. Press Upgrade Firmware button

@roleoroleo Like you said before - there is no https support in wget nor any other utility available on camera. How upgrade works before ?

I've just added openssl package and enabled CONFIG_FEATURE_WGET_OPENSSL=y busybox wget option. Now busybox's wget spawn openssl binary to perform download:

31721 root       972 T    ./busybox1 wget --no-check-certificate
31725 root         0 Z    [openssl]
31767 root      3772 T    openssl s_client -quiet -connect -servername

Now only cosmetic fixes with ca-certificates bundle needed. @roleoroleo should I continue my efforts and create PR ?


Correct. I added a new note to the wiki page.

@roleoroleo Like you said before - there is no https support in wget nor any other utility available on camera. How upgrade works before ?

Simply wget ignores certificates.
I think the problem is harder than it appears. It's not true that wget doesn't work anymore with https.
It you try another site, maybe it works:

root@yi-hack-h52ga:~/bin# wget
Connecting to (
wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented
saving to 'index.html'
index.html           100% |***************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 18141  0:00:00 ETA
'index.html' saved

I think it's related to https + forward.

Now only cosmetic fixes with ca-certificates bundle needed. @roleoroleo should I continue my efforts and create PR ?

It depends on how big the openssl binary is.
Because I would like to find the same solution for all platforms (MStar, Allwinner and Allwinner-v2) and there is a big space constraint in MStar and Allwinner.

Unstripped openssl + shared libs:

576K openssl

Plus default ca certs bundle ~200K. Bundle can be reduced to Github related certs. I can try to remove some features and link it statically. Many years ago static OpenSSL size was around 900kB. If it will be possible to get binary around 1-1.2 MB will it be big or OK for other platforms?
Another approach is to remove online checking and provide simple "upload firmware" button on web page ?

1.2 MB it's big.
I have to do some calculations...

It seems that bb 1.36.1 should fix the problem.
I will try asap.


After update to 1.36.1 it works.

Fixed here:

1. Download latest firmware. On my PC I'm using simple wget command: `wget`

2. Upload downloaded firmware to camera's SD card root `/tmp/sd` but with changed version number to `x` letters: `scp y21ga_0.3.0.tgz scp://root@`

3. Press `Upgrade Firmware` button

done the steps, but copied to SD with card reader on PC.

after reboot still no update possible.


after reboot still no update possible.

Yes it is, rename the file's version numbers to x, e.g.: r30gb_0.3.0.tgz -> r30gb_x.x.x.tgz

after reboot still no update possible.

Yes it is, rename the file's version numbers to x, e.g.: r30gb_0.3.0.tgz -> r30gb_x.x.x.tgz

did this as stated before, but not working

Solved with last version
Screenshot 2024-01-19 alle 18 50 47

Solved with last version Screenshot 2024-01-19 alle 18 50 47

great, but how to update, if OTA and manual does not work?

Manual upgrade must work.
Please try again.

In any case, you can format the sd card and create it again with the new version.
Backup the configuration.

Manual upgrade must work. Please try again.

Work without problems :)

Manual upgrade must work. Please try again.

In any case, you can format the sd card and create it again with the new version. Backup the configuration.

How can I do the update manually?
Do you mean, format the sd card and paste it new version?

Check the wiki.

This method worked but note that you can also use the FTP to upload the file if extracting the sd card is cumbersome.