
Sample android project for coredocker

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

CoreDocker - Android templat


Download the latest schema

gradlew downloadApolloSchema -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.endpoint=https://api.dev.coredocker.wessels.online/graphql -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.schema=src/main/graphql/com/coredocker/schema.json
gradlew downloadApolloSchema -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.endpoint=http://localhost:5000/graphql -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.schema=src/main/graphql/com/coredocker/schema.json
gradlew generateApolloSources

What to do when you want to update gradel

Update gradle

gradlew --version
gradlew help --warning-mode=all
gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 5.6
#gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 6.3 to update the project to 6.3.
gradlew clean
gradlew sync

What does it include?

It includes many libraries that make development easier and provides a nice folder/package structure, such as

  • 📚 MVVM
  • 🔀 Coroutines
  • 🚀 Jetpack suite
  • 🌐 Navigation library
  • 👾 Robolectric
  • 📗 GraphQl
  • 📜 Timber
  • 🎨 glide
  • ☕ Espresso


Logging is done using https://github.com/JakeWharton/timber.

For nicer output in logcat update the settings > android logcat

Debug: A8CA9E
Info: 9BDE81
Warn: E8BF81
Error: FF6B68


  • Add a way to add users

  • Add a way to edit users

  • Add a way to remove users

  • Logging SUCKS! need something better

  • Setup circle ci or github actions

  • Use storage for users and observe that

  • If authentication fails then we should show login screen.

  • Add some graphs on a dashboard

  • Add integration to camera to capture QR code or something

  • Indicator when its loading from web

  • Add integration to get geo location

  • Add firebase analytics back into the mix

  • Add centralized logging. Could be from firebase.

  • Look at deployment


Always run the following before adding pull request.

gradlew lint ktformat ktcheck bundleDebug test