
rollbar spammed by fail safe errors

AwaishK opened this issue · 1 comments

while reporting error on rollbar, I am getting below error. errors on rollbar are being reported at different places in different files, do you know how can I trace back where this is coming from? And how to stop this error to pop up again?

Failsafe from pyrollbar: payload too large. Original payload may be found in your server logs by searching for the UUID.
Below is how I report errors on rollbar, where do I can check the request.body size?

All the information I get is below, don't know where it is coming from, which script caused this error?
"body": { "message": { "body": "Failsafe from pyrollbar: payload too large. Original payload may be found in your server logs by searching for the UUID." } }, "failsafe": true, "uuid": "...", "level": "error", "timestamp": 1592460795, "custom": { "orig_host": "...", "orig_uuid": "..." }, "environment": "production", "framework": "unknown", "internal": true, "notifier": { "version": "0.14.6", "name": "pyrollbar" }, "metadata": {} }

How can I just stop the rollbar to not to send any error in this scenario?

This should be resolved by the new v1.1.0-alpha release.