
Unable to use a custom log formatter

jackton1 opened this issue · 2 comments


	'formatters': {
        'custom': {
            'format': '%(message)s %(my_object)r',


	'handlers': {
        'custom': {
            'level': 'WARNING',
            'class': 'rollbar.logger.RollbarHandler',
            'formatter': 'custom',


log.warning('This is a test', extra={'my_object': my_object})


The correct formatted message shows up in rollbar.

currently shows

"This is a test"

Instead of

"This is a test <MyObject.__repr__(...)>"

I noticed this same issue. Any sort of timeline available for a fix?

I think the problem is in the emit:

def emit(self, record):

It is not taking into account the __dict__ of the LogRecord.

Here's how you could grab it out though:


def get_extra_from_record(self, record):
    Returns the dict that was passed in as extra data
    e.g. logging,info('Log log log', extra={'extra_code': 'ABC123'})
    return {
        attr: record.__dict__[attr]
        for attr in record.__dict__
        if attr not in DEFAULT_ATTRS

You could extend from the RollbarHandler and use the information on get_extra_from_record to customize the message, maybe pass in as extra_data?

class RollbarWithExtraHandler(RollbarHandler):

    def emit(self, record):
        record.extra_data = self._get_extra_from_record(record)

    def _get_extra_from_record(self, record):
        Returns the dict that was passed in as extra data
        e.g. logging,info('Log log log', extra={'extra_code': 'ABC123'})
       return {
            attr: record.__dict__[attr]
            for attr in record.__dict__
            if attr not in DEFAULT_ATTRS