Android App Crashes
Opened this issue · 8 comments
I am getting app crashes while in App.js, instantiating a Rollbar Client
Steps to reproduce
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-native": "0.71.4",
"rollbar": "^2.26.2",
"rollbar-react-native": "^1.0.0-beta.2"
JavaScript runtime
React Native (without Expo)
Build type
Release mode
Real device
import { Client } from 'rollbar-react-native'
const rollbar = new Client({
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: true
@suryapermana92work thank you for the report. Can you include details of the crash?
@suryapermana92work thank you for the report. Can you include details of the crash?
@waltjones pls let me know if you need any more info
Having the same issue here after updated to 1.0.0-beta.4
was working normally, but it's not working with the new iOS version :/
Any updates on this?
Hi all,
I have tested here with a hardware Pixel device, and do not get this error. The error looks like the Rollbar Android SDK was not initialized. This is necessary for any project that loads the Java/Android code for rollbar-react-native. It should not be necessary for JS-only projects such as un-ejected Expo projects.
The doc for this is here:
The specific execution that leads to the error is here:
That init will be called if React Native's NativeModules
returns anything for RollbarReactNative
If this error is occurring and the init in onCreate
is present, it must be executing after the Javascript init. If that matches what anyone is seeing, let me know.
@waltjones I have added a plugin for Expo, and it is now working properly.
const { withMainApplication, withPlugins } = require("@expo/config-plugins")
function modifyMainApplication(config, options) {
if (!options || !options.postClientItemAccessToken) {
throw new Error("Plugin options are missing or undefined.")
return withMainApplication(config, (config) => {
const { postClientItemAccessToken, environment } = options
let mainApplication = config.modResults.contents
if (!mainApplication.includes("import com.rollbar.RollbarReactNative")) {
mainApplication = mainApplication.replace(
"import expo.modules.ReactNativeHostWrapper",
`import expo.modules.ReactNativeHostWrapper\nimport com.rollbar.RollbarReactNative`
if (!mainApplication.includes("RollbarReactNative.init")) {
mainApplication = mainApplication.replace(
`super.onCreate()\n RollbarReactNative.init(this, "${postClientItemAccessToken}", "${environment}")`
config.modResults.contents = mainApplication
return config
module.exports = (config, options = {}) =>
withPlugins(config, [[modifyMainApplication, options]])
then in app.config.js
plugins: [
environment: isProd ? "production" : "stage"