
Jmeter cannot recognize the di-kafkameter-1.2.jar

corei99 opened this issue · 9 comments

Jmeter cannot recognize the di-kafkameter-1.2.jar

Hello @corei99

Thanks for bringing this issue.
Quick question:

  1. How did you install the plugin ?
  2. Did you restart the jmeter after installing the plugin ?
  3. Do you see any exception in jmeter.log? If possible can you share your jmeter.log please ?

Hi @corei99

Any update on the issue ??

Hi @corei99

Do you still facing this issue ?
Shall I close this issue - if the problem is resolved?


100ZZ commented


1.1 and 1.2 both cannot found “Kafka Producer Sampler” JMeter version 5.4
100ZZ commented



@100ZZ Are you facing the same issue with the plugin 1.2 as well?

  1. Did you try uninstalling and reinstall it
  2. Did you try on the latest version of Jmeter
  3. Can you share the entire jmeter.log if possible?

@corei99 @100ZZ

Any update on the issue ?

@corei99 @100ZZ

Any update on the issue ?

Since - no update, closing this issue