CommonJs interop consistency
sokra opened this issue · 14 comments
- Rollup Plugin Name: @rollup/plugin-commonjs
- Rollup Plugin Version: 16.0.0
- Rollup Version: 2.33.3
- Operating System (or Browser): Windows
- Node Version: 15.2.1
- Link to reproduction (
⚠️ read below):
Expected Behavior
Being consistent within itself. I would expect that these code snippets give the similar results:
import x
import { default as x }
import * as x; x.default
import * as x; ident(x).default
is an identity function, e. g.Object()
And also
import { named as x }
import * as x; x.named
import * as x; ident(x).named
is an identity function, e. g.Object()
And also
import { __esModule as x }
import * as x; x.__esModule
import * as x; ident(x).__esModule
is an identity function, e. g.Object()
Actual Behavior
See fixture sources:
The link also contains comparisons against other tools, so you might take a look that this to see how other tools behave for a specific test case:
e. g. named-and-default-export-esModule-esm-reexport
or for a specific syntax.
See for explanations.
Additional Information
Thanks for going the extra mile and posting an issue. We have been discussing this internally when your comparisons went public. To keep things tidy, I'm closing this in favor of tracking in #481 and will post a comment there back to this issue for cross reference.
@sokra note that there is a significant refactoring in progress to the CommonJS plugin in #537.
That PR will be released soon. I believe that should fix a lot of these cases, as per the bugs in the PR linked by @shellscape. If you're able to run tests against that, that would be a huge help. Alternatively it would be good to ensure the compat tables are updated when that comes out. Thanks again for doing this analysis.
Sure. Here is the diff the PR causes to the rollup chart:
rollup-rollup-pr | fixture | rollup | rollup-pr |
import x import { default as x } import * as x; x.default import * as x; ident(x).default |
named-and-default-export-duplicate | compilation error | { named, default } |
import x import { default as x } import * as x; x.default import * as x; ident(x).default |
named-and-default-export-esModule-reexport | { [__esModule], named, default } |
{ named, default, [__esModule] } |
import x import { default as x } import * as x; x.default import * as x; ident(x).default |
named-export-esModule | { [__esModule], named } |
{ named, [__esModule] } |
import x import { default as x } import * as x; x.default import * as x; ident(x).default |
order-esModule | { [__esModule], b, a, c } |
{ b, a, c, [__esModule] } |
import { named as x } |
named-and-default-export-duplicate named-and-default-export-esModule-esm-reexport |
compilation error | 'named' |
import * as x; x.named import * as x; ident(x).named |
named-and-default-export-duplicate | compilation error | 'named' |
import * as x; x.named |
named-and-default-export-esModule-esm-reexport | undefined + warnings |
'named' |
import { __esModule as x } import * as x; x.__esModule import * as x; ident(x).__esModule |
named-and-default-export-duplicate | compilation error | undefined |
import * as x |
default-export-esModule-esm-reexport | [Object: null prototype] { default, __moduleExports: { [__esModule], default } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default, __moduleExports: { default, [__esModule] } } |
import * as x import() |
named-and-default-export-duplicate | compilation error | [Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, default } } |
import * as x |
named-and-default-export-esModule-esm-reexport | [Object: null prototype] { named, default, __moduleExports: { [__esModule], named, default } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default, __moduleExports: { named, default, [__esModule] } } |
import * as x import() |
named-and-default-export-esModule-reexport | [Object: null prototype] { named, default: { [__esModule], named, default } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, default, [__esModule] } } |
import * as x import() |
named-export-esModule | [Object: null prototype] { named, default: { [__esModule], named } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, [__esModule] } } |
import * as x import() |
order-esModule | [Object: null prototype] { b, a, c, default: { [__esModule], b, a, c } } |
[Object: null prototype] { b, a, c, default: { b, a, c, [__esModule] } } |
import() |
default-export-esModule-esm-reexport | { __moduleExports: { [__esModule], default } } |
{ __moduleExports: { default, [__esModule] } } |
import() |
named-and-default-export-esModule-esm-reexport | { __moduleExports: { [__esModule], named, default } } |
{ __moduleExports: { named, default, [__esModule] }, named } |
That would be to full chart:
rollup | import x import { default as x } |
import * as x; x.default |
import * as x; ident(x).default |
import { named as x } |
import * as x; x.named |
import * as x; ident(x).named |
import { __esModule as x } |
import * as x; x.__esModule |
import * as x; ident(x).__esModule |
import * as x |
import() |
default-export default-export-runtime |
{ default } |
{ default } |
{ default } |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { default } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { default } } |
default-export-esModule | 'default' |
'default' |
'default' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
true |
true |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default } |
[Object: null prototype] { default } |
default-export-esModule-esm-reexport | compilation error | undefined + warnings |
'default' |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default, __moduleExports: { default, [__esModule] } } |
{ __moduleExports: { default, [__esModule] } } |
default-export-esm | 'default' |
'default' |
'default' |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default } |
{ default } |
named-and-default-export named-and-default-export-duplicate named-and-default-export-reexport named-and-default-export-runtime single-object-with-default-export single-object-with-default-export-duplicate |
{ named, default } |
{ named, default } |
{ named, default } |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, default } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, default } } |
named-and-default-export-babel-getter named-and-default-export-esModule named-and-default-export-esModule-duplicate named-and-default-export-runtime-esModule |
'default' |
'default' |
'default' |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
true |
true |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default } |
named-and-default-export-esModule-esm-reexport | compilation error | undefined + warnings |
'default' |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default, __moduleExports: { named, default, [__esModule] } } |
{ __moduleExports: { named, default, [__esModule] }, named } |
named-and-default-export-esModule-reexport | { named, default, [__esModule] } |
{ named, default, [__esModule] } |
{ named, default, [__esModule] } |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
true |
true |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, default, [__esModule] } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, default, [__esModule] } } |
named-and-default-export-esm | 'default' |
'default' |
'default' |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default } |
{ default, named } |
named-and-default-export-esm-reexport | compilation error | undefined + warnings |
'default' |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default, __moduleExports: { named, default } } |
{ __moduleExports: { named, default }, named } |
named-and-default-export-getter | { [named]: [G], [default]: [G] } |
{ [named]: [G], [default]: [G] } |
{ [named]: [G], [default]: [G] } |
'named' |
'named' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { [named]: [G], [default]: [G] } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { [named]: [G], [default]: [G] } } |
named-and-default-export-getter-esModule | 'default' |
'default' |
'default' |
'named' |
'named' |
undefined |
true |
true |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default } |
[Object: null prototype] { default } |
named-and-default-export-inherited | { named, default } |
{ named, default } |
{ named, default } |
'named' |
'named' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { named, default } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { named, default } } |
named-and-default-export-live | { named, default } |
{ named, default } |
{ named, default } |
'named' |
'named' |
'named-outdated' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named: 'named-outdated', default: { named, default } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named: 'named-outdated', default: { named, default } } |
named-and-default-export-non-enumerable named-and-default-export-non-enumerable-inherited |
{ [named], [default] } |
{ [named], [default] } |
{ [named], [default] } |
'named' |
'named' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { [named], [default] } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { [named], [default] } } |
named-and-null-default-export named-and-null-default-export-runtime single-object-with-null-default-export |
{ named, default: null } |
{ named, default: null } |
{ named, default: null } |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, default: null } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, default: null } } |
named-and-null-default-export-esModule named-and-null-default-export-runtime-esModule |
null |
null |
null |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
true |
true |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: null } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: null } |
named-and-null-default-export-non-enumerable | { [named], [default]: null } |
{ [named], [default]: null } |
{ [named], [default]: null } |
'named' |
'named' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { [named], [default]: null } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { [named], [default]: null } } |
named-export named-export-runtime single-object-export |
{ named } |
{ named } |
{ named } |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named } } |
named-export-esModule | { named, [__esModule] } |
{ named, [__esModule] } |
{ named, [__esModule] } |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
true |
true |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, [__esModule] } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { named, [__esModule] } } |
named-export-esm | compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named } |
{ named } |
named-export-non-enumerable | { [named] } |
{ [named] } |
{ [named] } |
'named' |
'named' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { [named] } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: { [named] } } |
named-export-runtime-esModule | { [__esModule], named } |
{ [__esModule], named } |
{ [__esModule], named } |
'named' |
'named' |
'named' |
true |
true |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { [__esModule], named } } |
[Object: null prototype] { named, default: { [__esModule], named } } |
order | { b, a, c } |
{ b, a, c } |
{ b, a, c } |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { b, a, c, default: { b, a, c } } |
[Object: null prototype] { b, a, c, default: { b, a, c } } |
order-esModule | { b, a, c, [__esModule] } |
{ b, a, c, [__esModule] } |
{ b, a, c, [__esModule] } |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
true |
true |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { b, a, c, default: { b, a, c, [__esModule] } } |
[Object: null prototype] { b, a, c, default: { b, a, c, [__esModule] } } |
order-esm | compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { b, a, c } |
{ a, b, c } |
single-empty-string-export | '' |
'' |
'' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: '' } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: '' } |
single-null-export | null |
null |
null |
type error | type error | undefined |
type error | type error | undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: null } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: null } |
single-promise-object-export | Promise { { named } } |
Promise { { named } } |
Promise { { named } } |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: Promise { { named } } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: Promise { { named } } } |
single-promise-object-with-default-export | Promise { { named, default } } |
Promise { { named, default } } |
Promise { { named, default } } |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: Promise { { named, default } } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: Promise { { named, default } } } |
single-promise-string-export | Promise { 'single' } |
Promise { 'single' } |
Promise { 'single' } |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { default: Promise { 'single' } } |
[Object: null prototype] { default: Promise { 'single' } } |
single-string-export single-string-export-defined single-string-export-duplicate single-string-export-getter single-string-export-reexport |
'single' |
'single' |
'single' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { '0': 's', '1': 'i', '2': 'n', '3': 'g', '4': 'l', '5': 'e', default: 'single' } |
[Object: null prototype] { '0': 's', '1': 'i', '2': 'n', '3': 'g', '4': 'l', '5': 'e', default: 'single' } |
single-string-export-esm-reexport | compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
compilation error | undefined + warnings |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { '0': 's', '1': 'i', '2': 'n', '3': 'g', '4': 'l', '5': 'e', __moduleExports: 'single' } |
{ __moduleExports: 'single' } |
single-string-export-live | 'single-outdated' |
'single-outdated' |
'single-outdated' |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
undefined |
[Object: null prototype] { '0': 's', '1': 'i', '2': 'n', '3': 'g', '4': 'l', '5': 'e', '6': '-', '7': 'o', '8': 'u', '9': 't', '10': 'd', '11': 'a', '12': 't', '13': 'e', '14': 'd', default: 'single-outdated' } |
[Object: null prototype] { '0': 's', '1': 'i', '2': 'n', '3': 'g', '4': 'l', '5': 'e', '6': '-', '7': 'o', '8': 'u', '9': 't', '10': 'd', '11': 'a', '12': 't', '13': 'e', '14': 'd', default: 'single-outdated' } |
I'll update the tables once it's released, but the PR doesn't seem to adress as many issues as you hope...
@sokra the first list seems like quite a few fixes to me. Do you mean that there are other cases in the full chart not addressed?
Could you just copy the exact cases you are concerned about that are still missing? Perhaps we can open a new issue to discuss those new cases specifically, and that would definitely be a help to cross-check before this release goes out.
Could you just copy the exact cases you are concerned about that are still missing?
I really would to see import * as x; ident(x).default
with *-esm-reexport
getting fixed. A export *
should never reexport the default
Thanks... is that the only case that sticks out here? I can post a new issue for that separately then.
I also wondered about import * as x; ident(x).__esModule
being always undefined. I would have done that different, but this seem to be an intentional choice. Babel, esbuild and webpack have this always true. Node.js has this true when the module defines exports.__esModule
Another notable thing is that the namespace object (import * as x; ident(x).named
) doesn't expose non-enumerable properties, but direct importing them is possible (import * as x; x.named
Is also notable that direct imports (import * as x; x.named
) are live-bindings, while indirect imports (import * as x; ident(x).named
) are not (they copy their value after evaluation).
Another notable thing is that modules with __esModule
get the default
property as default export, but not when reexporting them via module.exports = require("module")
. Similar thing happens when __esModule
flag is not statically detectable, e. g. when using
@sokra thanks for the summary here.
Did you mean to finish with an example like the following?
function setEsInterop (exports) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
Oh yes, I was interrupted and thought this was done. There are many possible ways to do that...
It's worth noting that Node.js won't support these cases either.
Not supporting would be fine too. I only concerned about inconsistencies within rollup itself.
It's also worth noting that most of these cases are edge cases. So if rollup chooses to not fix that that's not super concerning. I just want to report these things so you are aware of them, and maybe they are easily fixable.
I'm sorry to comment on a closed issue, but I have to flag this as one of the worst kinds of issues to debug as a developer.
If it weren't for vitejs/vite#2139 (comment), I would not have found a solution. It's not even a nice solution, it's just one that works.
I had to jump from that issue to this one #481, to here. Only to find that rollup is basically not aligned with spec. As a developer, I can't control every problem in the ecosystem, but this sort of interop one is the worst kind because it makes it my problem when there are very real syntax changes as part of migrating to things like ESM. It also holds back the ecosystem because people may not make the jump if they can't debug why something is failing when it wasn't before.
It would make a big difference if this edge case could be fixed specifically because things like Vite use rollup. Everything in the Webpack ecosystem is basically protected from this sort of issue and it makes me inclined to recommend Sokra's tooling over rollup because I can trust it.
And to the point that Node won't support this use case, that's fine. Once stuff is all ESM it doesn't really matter. It's specifically for being able to move modules to ESM which may depend on module that say ship their code as bundled instead of as source code. The goal, once on ESM, is to do bundleless development anyway.
If there is anything I can do personally to aid in this improvement being made to the tooling, please let me know.
Issues in general (especially closed issues) aren't the proper place to vent frustrations. There are social channels for that, and unfortunately the majority of the reply doesn't add anything of value to the conversation. You've encountered an edge case, and while every developer feels empathy for that, we also acknowledge what that means.
it makes me inclined to recommend Sokra's tooling over rollup because I can trust it.
This is never a compelling bit to add to an issue. It won't motivate the way you might think it will. Recommending other tooling does not affect the project or the maintainers, we're not in competition for users with any other project, and you are free to do so. In fact, if that helps you or your colleagues in your endeavors we'd endorse using different tooling.
If there is anything I can do personally to aid in this improvement being made to the tooling, please let me know.
#481 is the place for you. The Rollup project operates the same as Vite - community contributions. We're woefully short on maintainer time and have been for some time. Very few people step up to help with tooling. If you'd like to aid in improving the commonjs plugin, please review the outstanding items for #481 and contribute pull requests. Or you could always convince Robinhood to donate a substantial amount of cash for Lukas to take time off of work to complete the items on #481.