
Cannot find rollupPluginBabelHelpers.js

samrith-s opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm using Rollup and Typescript to bundle my library. I'm using this plugin to allow custom .babelrc. The thing is, whenever I run build, it gives me this error:

Is there any way to fix this? I really need this to convert TS interfaces to PropsTypes! 😞

Here is the repository:

@samrith-s any updates?

@samrith-s Have the same issue. Struggling with this for a long time now. Any idea on how to solve this? Thanks.

No updates at all. I've stopped development on that, currently, and soon will be switching back to JavaScript for that library.

A fix for this is rather simple - put TS plugin before babel plugin in your plugins array. Sorry that you had to wait for an answer for so long.