
mixed-typed property names (some with delimiters)

yairEO opened this issue · 2 comments

How can I do mixed replace? (some variables have delimiters and some don't:

    "delimiters" : [ '[', ']' ],
    "SERVERPATH" : JSON.stringify(config.serverPath),   // <---- requires delimiters
    "prodUrl"    : JSON.stringify(config.prodUrl),      // <---- requires delimiters
    "mocks/"     : JSON.stringify(config.serverPath + '/mocks/') 

It was an utter failure to not use the delimiters key and trying to manually write [SERVERPATH] as key name. I also tried to escape the key like \[SERVERPATH\] without output success .

It's not possible without patching rollup-plugin-replace.

I submitted a PR that fixes this, but it hasn't been merged. Until then, I'm using that branch as a dependency instead of the published npm package.

Special characters are now supported in keys thanks to @mrkishi, so I'll close this. An alternative solution would be just to have two plugin instances — one with delimiters, one without.