
Does not support rollup experimentalCodeSplitting and rollup experimentalDynamicImport

lanjingling0510 opened this issue · 4 comments

Because CodeSplitting has no output.file option.

Hi! Could you provide an example(config and usage)? With examples i'll find solution faster

This is my configuration.

// rollup.config.js

import path from 'path';
import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel';
import url from 'rollup-plugin-url';
let publicPath = '/lib/';

export default {
  input: [

  experimentalCodeSplitting: true,

  experimentalDynamicImport: true,

  external: id => /babel-runtime/.test(id),

  plugins: [
      limit: 5 * 1024, // inline files < 5k, copy files > 10k
      include: ['**/*.wasm'], // defaults to .svg, .png, .jpg and .gif files
      emitFiles: true, // defaults to true
      publicPath: publicPath
      presets: [
        [ 'env', {
          modules: false,
          targets: {
            browsers: [ 'last 2 versions', 'not ie <= 8' ],
      exclude: [
       plugins: [
      externalHelpers: true,
      runtimeHelpers: true,
      babelrc: false,

  output: {
    format: 'es',
    dir: 'lib'

Thanks! I will fix it ASAP

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