
Contains code for reproducing experimental results for the ICML2024 paper "Federated Learning: Lessons from Generalization Error Analysis"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Lessons from Generalization Error Analysis of Federated Learning: You May Communicate Less Often!

Contains source code for reproducing experimental results of the ICML2024 paper "Lessons from Generalization Error Analysis of Federated Learning: You May Communicate Less Often!" by Milad Sefidgaran, Romain Chor, Abdellatif Zaidi and Yijun Wan. The paper can be found here.

Our experiments use the public datasets MNIST and CIFAR-10.

Code for experiments on the generalization of FSVM

  • run_experiments.py: File to run to reproduce presented experiments in the paper.

    • --data_path: Path to directory containing MNIST data (type: str)
    • --save_path: Path to directory where to save experiments results and plots (type: str)
    • --mode: Whether to run simulations ('train') or to plot figures ('plot'). Set to 'train', run the file then set to 'plot' and run again to get plots (type: str)
    • --comparison: To run simulations with 'K' or 'n' fixed (type: str)
    • --MC: Number of runs (Monte-Carlo approximation) (type: int)
    • --classes: MNIST classes (type: sequence of ints)
    • --frac_iid: Fraction of clients with AWGN (type: float)
    • --iid_std: Standard deviation of the AWGN (type: float)
  • utils/: Contains utility files for the simulations.

    • dataloaders.py
    • models.py

Code for additional experiments on the generalization of FL

  • run_training.sh: Shell file to run training.

    • --nproc_per_node: Number of GPUs used (Multi-GPUs training) (type: int)
    • --seed: Seed for reproducibility (type: int)
    • --data-pth: Path to directory containing the CIFAR-10 data (will download and install the data there otherwise) (type: str)
    • --log-pth: Path to directory where to save the models, (type: str)
  • inference.py: Script file to run inference

    • --save-pth: Path to directory containing the saved models, type: str
  • models/: Contains the models classes

Reproducing our results


  • Download MNIST data at https://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/.
  • To reproduce Fig. 2 and Fig. 4:
    • Launch run_experiments.py with --data_path and --save_path set properly. Some .pickle files should be saved in the directory indicated in --save_path.
    • Launch run_experiments.py again with --mode 'plot'.
  • To reproduce Fig. 5 and Fig. 6:
    • Launch run_experiments.py with --compare 'n' and with --data_path and --save_path set properly. Some .pickle files should be saved in the directory indicated in --save_path.
    • Launch run_experiments.py again with --mode 'plot'.
  • To reproduce Fig. 7 and Fig. 8:
    • Launch run_experiments.py with --frac_iid 0.2 and --data_path and --save_path set properly. Some .pickle files should be saved in the directory indicated in --save_path.
    • Launch run_experiments.py again with --mode 'plot'. To reproduce Fig. 9:
    • Launch run_experiments.py with --mode 'estimation' and --data_path and --save_path set properly. Some .pickle files should be saved in the directory indicated in --save_path.

Additional experiments on NNs

To reproduce Fig. 3:

  • Open run_training.sh and set the arguments described above accordingly.
  • Run run_training.sh in a terminal.
  • Launch inference.py in a terminal by correctly setting --save_pth.
  • Read the .pickle file using Pandas library and plot the values.



References & Credits

Our implementation for the additional experiments is partially based on the code found at https://github.com/hmgxr128/Local-SGD.