
Discussion about two thoughts for comments

Closed this issue · 1 comments

shmup commented

You opted into the subtle comments. They're nice we all use them etc

But there's this idea out there, Martin Fowler especially talks about it, where comments should stand out and be ugly almost, certainly contrasting

You can use this to gauge if something is commented wrongly, because you just see a ton of comments. It may feel wrong

A more contrasted comment w/ Apprentice may look like:




I don't expect this to become a thing, I mostly wanted it documented here so I can refer others to the idea

The changes would look like:

function! LouderComments() abort
  highlight Comment ctermbg=131 ctermfg=231
  highlight Todo ctermbg=131 ctermfg=231 cterm=reverse

augroup Apprentice
  autocmd ColorScheme * call LouderComments()
augroup END

colorscheme apprentice
shmup commented

Created something a little nicer for me to use:

" scream.vim, so comments stand out when I'm intently combing code
" :SCREAM - Grey100 on IndianRed
" :WHISPER - Apprentice defaults

function! LouderComments() abort
  highlight Comment ctermbg=131 ctermfg=231
  highlight Todo ctermbg=131 ctermfg=231 cterm=reverse

command! SCREAM silent! call LouderComments()
command! WHISPER silent! colorscheme apprentice


weird edge case for me to solve: if i setspell and there is a typo on a loud comment, you can't read it.. probably i'll just ignore this but noting it here for history's sake