
Plugin only exports png

Maikenvv opened this issue · 17 comments

I love the idea of this plugin. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work.

System: MacOS 10.13.3
Version: Sketch 49.1

Steps to replicate

  1. Add the prototyping links.
    Added link

  2. Test prototype in Sketch to make sure the flow works. (optional)

  3. Set a page as a starting point.
    Starting page

  4. Plugins > Flow Exporter > Export prototype to HTML

  5. Confirm folder for export

Folder with pngs.

Export Folder

Expected result
A HTML file that I can open in a browser.

Weird! I suspect the plugin is hitting an error before it gets to the HTML export step. Is there any way you can open the Console app on Mac and do a search for Sketch... then run the export and see if the Console app shows any errors?

These errors were related to the plugin.


Thanks! Will look into it.

Hey there, looks like the plugin is breaking on something in your file... could you either share your .sketch file or describe the prototype flows in detail?

I can't share the file, because of a non-disclosure. The flow is actually quite simple:

       2 - 3 - 4 
    /                \
1                       5
    \                /
       2 - 3 - 4 

1 links to 2 pages and both 4 pages link to 5.

Hey there, I just tried with this Sketch file:


and it seems to export fine... any chance you could remove any identifying information from your Sketch file, or try to create a simple version that fails for you, and share again?

I'm getting the same issue. I did several tests in one situation I found the artboard responsible for the error but not the reason, but actually, I can't find where the problem it is. See attached the log

Plugin Output.log

Are any of the artboards symbols?

None artboard is entirely a symbol, but I have header and footer in symbol w/ hotspot. But I've removed those to test and it fails anyway. I did another test creating a simple file with a header in symbol and the plugin exports fine.

Hm OK. That log shows the same exact error as the other comment, so looks like a single consistent issue. I think if someone could share a Sketch file (publicly or privately) it'd help most.

I can share privately. Does it works for you?

That would be great thanks! Just email roman AT nurik DOT net


@acardozzo haven't received it yet :-/

I sent again. But now to correct email :)

Thanks! I did some digging on the file and it looks like a weird issue in Sketch (I think?) where a hotspot/layer can be linked to an artboard that no longer exists. I'll just need to handle that case. A fix should be relatively straightforward, stay tuned!