No releases?
Opened this issue · 7 comments
The README points to, but there are no releases. Is this intentional?
There seem to be releases on pypi, but those are not signed, which seems a bit problematic (and ironic!), given the nature of this project.
Good catch, thanks!
I will update the docs, and prepare a new signed PyPI release :)
Unfortunately, it seems the PyPI doesn't support PGP signatures :(
I will make sure the git tags are signed using - so you should be able to verify them using:
git tag -v v0.15.0
object 868975fb0cf2941bad51d283f64e1661ace4c8f4
type commit
tag v0.15.0
tagger Roman Zeyde <> 1725560687 +0300
Bump version: 0.14.8 → 0.15.0
gpg: Signature made Thu 05 Sep 2024 09:24:47 PM IDT
gpg: using ECDSA key 15C8C3574AE4F1E25F3F35C587CAE5FA46917CBB
gpg: issuer ""
gpg: Good signature from "Roman Zeyde <>" [ultimate]
gpg: aka "Roman Zeyde <>" [ultimate]
Maybe you could add signed tarballs to GitHub? That makes it much easier for distros to consume it.
That looks good, but is only libagent?