
Does it still work?

marcinguy opened this issue · 1 comments


Looking for an update from the Author or creditable answers.

Whatsapp Web Client changed JS several times since I looked in to it.

Getting Pub, Priv key is quite hard, but possible. It seems it changes (QR code) and the Priv, Pub key every ca. 10 secs.

I am pretty sure I managed to get the right key (Priv and Pub) as well as secret (Ref Object)

Than I paste base64 encoded message I sent to one of my contacts (websocket -> to server endpoint /ws). It has a format of:


In the
This goes through:

if check_hmac != self.secret[32:64]:

However, got a mismatch here:

raise ValueError("Error hmac mismatch")

As I said I am quite confident I had 32 ints each good Priv and Pub key and secret (Ref Obj).

Is this still working?


I got Priv and Pub key from JS. As I said they seem to be correct since the assert goes through:

self.public_key = self.private_key.get_public()

assert (self.public_key.serialize() == "".join([chr(x) for x in pub_key_list]))

Hmac on secret string is also valid

if check_hmac != self.secret[32:64]:

So aes_key and mac_key should be correct.

self.aes_key = keys_decrypted[:32]

But the encrypted message hmac fails:

raise ValueError("Error hmac mismatch")

So does the decryption ....

I verified WhatsApp Web Client and "core" JS parts seem to be the same and matching your Python code.

As asked in original issue, anybody has ideas what is happening here?
