
Class RomegaDigital\Multitenancy\Middleware\GuestTenantMiddleware does not exist

arislanhaikal opened this issue · 5 comments

after im following your instruction and i will show product related with tenant. Show error : Class RomegaDigital\Multitenancy\Middleware\GuestTenantMiddleware does not exist,
I have included the middleware route group on Kernel.php

I see in romegadigital folder on vendors, just looking at the TenantMiddleware.php middleware, I did not find GuestTenantMiddleware.php

Maybe you haven't updated your latest package version on composer

What happen? can you help me

Hi @arislanhaikal, chances are you installed the version 1 of this package. What does your composer.json file look like?

i use "romegadigital/multitenancy": "^2.0"

My bad. Seems like the GuestTenantMiddleware is only available in dev-master. 🤷‍♂️ don't know why it wasn't released another version. Will contact the owner!

I solved the above problem with a manual clone from Git and the replace vendors

I had a few more things I wanted to work into the next release. That's been done this week and I am pushing a release now.