
Carons support - ˇ

Janiczek opened this issue · 7 comments

Can I somehow help to bring caron support to Creep?

My high-level goal is having all Czech characters available, not only carons:

What you could do is find out their respective unicode codes. I will add them then!

Got to hack a bit on vim-characterize to do it in batch :) That was fun!

´ U+00B4
ˇ U+02C7
˚ U+02DA
á U+00E1
č U+010D
ď U+010F
é U+00E9
ě U+011B
í U+00ED
ľ U+013E
ň U+0148
ó U+00F3
ř U+0159
š U+0161
ť U+0165
ú U+00FA
ů U+016F
ý U+00FD
ž U+017E
Á U+00C1
Č U+010C
Ď U+010E
É U+00C9
Ě U+011A
Í U+00CD
Ľ U+013D
Ň U+0147
Ó U+00D3
Ř U+0158
Š U+0160
Ť U+0164
Ú U+00DA
Ů U+016E
Ý U+00DD
Ž U+017D

Put them up on the repo!
The ones marked with = look a bit off though. Perhaps you have suggestions?

´ U+00B4 - ok
ˇ U+02C7 - added
˚ U+02DA - added
á U+00E1 - ok
č U+010D - added
ď U+010F - added
é U+00E9 - ok
ě U+011B - added
í U+00ED - ok
ľ U+013E - added
ň U+0148 -added
ó U+00F3 -ok 
ř U+0159 - added
š U+0161 - added
ť U+0165 - added =
ú U+00FA - ok
ů U+016F - added = 
ý U+00FD - ok
ž U+017E - added
Á U+00C1 - ok
Č U+010C - added
Ď U+010E - added
É U+00C9 - ok
Ě U+011A - added
Í U+00CD - ok
Ľ U+013D - added
Ň U+0147 - added
Ó U+00D3 - ok
Ř U+0158 - added
Š U+0160 - added
Ť U+0164 - added
Ú U+00DA - ok
Ů U+016E - added =
Ý U+00DD - ok
Ž U+017D - added

Awesome! Here are my suggestions :)

č U+010D - I'd put the caron up one pixel, looking at how ê U+00EA has the circumflex one pixel above itself too.
010d_c_caron_before 010d_c_caron_after

ď U+010F - Fontforge says apostrophe gets used here (which is true in Czech fonts) - and creep has a straight apostrophe. So I'd make it straight.
010f_d_caron_before 010f_d_caron_after

ě U+011B - as with č U+010D
011b_e_caron_before 011b_e_caron_after

ľ U+013E - it's a lowercase L, and apostrophe gets used.
013e_l_caron_before 013e_l_caron_after

ň U+0148 - caron on the right side and one pixel up as in č U+010D
0148_n_caron_before 0148_n_caron_after

ó U+00F3 - was accidentally a grave instead of acute (\ instead of /, so to speak)
00f3_o_acute_before 00f3_o_acute_after

ř U+0159 - to the right, up
0159_r_caron_before 0159_r_caron_after

š U+0161 - up
0161_s_caron_before 0161_s_caron_after

ž U+017E - up
017e_z_caron_before 017e_z_caron_after

Ľ U+013D - straight apostrophe
013d_l_caron_before 013d_l_caron_after

Ř U+0158 - to the right
0158_r_caron_before 0158_r_caron_after

That's probably everything, as far as this set of characters is concerned.

I don't know how you exported the BDF file, so I'll just attach my saved file here for you to decide which changes to keep and which to pass.

You can also post a pull request if you want!

Nah, I think I'm satisfied :)
Thanks for your work!

More than welcome.
Let's make this font as useful as possible!