
error in pyprocar.bandsplot---> QE input file

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I am trying to plot the bandstructure from quantum espresso output file . I am getting this error:
prefix = re.findall("prefix\s*=\s*'(.*)'", scf_in)[0]
list index out of range

a screenshot of the error is attached. can anyoone please help.

Drive link:
(fermi energy of my calculation was negative value)


so this error comes from parsing the file. As you can see it is trying to parse the prefix variable, but it was not successful. To fix this I would just have to change the regex expression to parse.

In your file can you paste everything under the &CONTROL tag

Logan Lang


so when I said "change the regex expression to parse.”, that was something more toward what we would have to change in the code. re.findall("prefix\s=\s'(.)'", scf_in)** This is a package called regex and it is used to parse text given a string pattern. The string pattern ("prefix\s=\s*'(.*)'") is commonly called a regex expression, and here I am trying to get the string in between the single quotation marks '. So if you use double quotation marks " this will not find anything.

I looked into the file. You have the following:

title = 'VSe2',
calculation = 'scf',
outdir = './out',
pseudo_dir = '.',
prefix = "VSe2",
verbosity = 'high',

When we parse this file for the prefix variable, so to fix this all you have to change is

prefix = "VSe2", -> prefix = 'VSe2',

thank you very much. It helped