
Memory based B+ tree in C++

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Memory based B+ tree in C++

Definition of the B-tree

Let h >= 0 be an integer, and k a natural number. A directed tree T is in the class (k, h) of B-trees if T is either empty (i.e. h=0) or has the following properties:

  • Each path from the root to any leaf has the same length h, also called the height of T, i.e. h is eequal to the number of nodes in path.

  • Each node except the root and the leaves has at least (k + 1) sons. The root is a leaf or has at least two sons.

  • Each node has at most (2k + 1) sons.

Properties of the B-tree

  • Each page holds between k and 2k keys (index elements) except the root page which may hold between 1 and 2k keys.

  • Let the number of keys on a page P, which is not a leaf, be L. Then P has L+1 sons.

  • Within each page P the keys are sequential in increasing order: x1, x2, ... xL, where k <= L <= 2k except for the root page for which 1 <= L <= 2k.

  • Furthermore, P contains (L + 1) pointers P0, P1 ... PL to the sons of P. On leaf pages these pointers are undefined (i.e. null pointers).

  • Let P(pi) be the page to which Pi points, let K(Pi) be the set of keys on the pages of that maximal subtree of which P(Pi) is the root. Then for the B-trees considered here the following conditions shall always hold:

    1. for each y in K(p0) y < xi
    2. for each y in K(pi) xi < y < xi+1 for i = 1,2,...,L-1
    3. for each y in K(pL) xL < y

References, books

  • A. Silberschatz, H.F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, "Database System Concepts", 6th ed. (McGraw Hill, 2011)

  • R. Ramakrishnan, J. Gehrke, "Database Management Systems ", 3rd ed. (McGraw Hill, 2003)

  • A. Drozdek, D.L. Simon "Data Structures in C", (PWS, 1995)

References, articles

  • R. Bayer E.M. McCreight, "Organization and maintenance of large ordered indexes", Acta Informatica, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 173–189, Year 1972, PDF

  • R. Bayer, "Symmetric binary B-Trees: Data structure and maintenance algorithms", Acta Informatica, Volume 1, Issue 4, pp. 290–306, Year 1972, Abstract

  • R. Bayer, K. Unterauer, "Prefix B-trees", ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 11-26, Year 1977, Abstract

  • D. Comer, "Ubiquitous B-Tree", ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 121-137, Year 1979, PDF

  • J. Zhou "A B+-tree Index fot the Know-It-All Database Framework", 2003, PDF

  • D. Lomet, "The Evolution of Effective B-tree: Page Organization and Techniques: A Personal Account", SIGMOD Record, Volume 30, No. 3, 2001, PDF


  • G. Graefe, "Write-Optimized B-Trees ", Proceedings of the 30th VLDB Conference, 2004, PDF

  • G. Graefe, "A Survey of B-Tree Logging and Recovery Technique", ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 35, No. 3, Article 16, 2012, PDF

  • G. Graefe, "Modern B-Tree Techniques", Foundations and Trends in Databases, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 203–402, Year 2010, PDF

  • G. Graefe, "A Survey of B-Tree Locking Technique", ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 35, No. 3, Article 16, Year 2010, PDF

  • P. Wang, "An In-Depth Analysis of Concurrent B-tree Algorithms", Massachusetts Institute of Technology Report MIT/LCS/TR-496, Year 1991, PDF

  • Y.-S. KWONG,D. WOOD, "A New Method for Concurrency in B-Trees", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. SE-8, NO. 3, pp. 211-222, Year 1982, PDF

  • M.K. Aguilera, W. Golab, M.A. Shah, "A Practical Scalable Distributed B-Tree", VLDB, Year 2008, PDF

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  • From Wikipedia: B+Tree (Caution! The code has the bug in deletion procedure!)
