
Generate liquid template / partials from editor

dkbast opened this issue · 1 comments

This project is great and shows great promise! Have you ever thought about exporting as a liquid template instead of html? You already have the partials as building blocks in the editor, so this should be possible without restructuring the code.
Liquid templates can be used to power your github-pages (or Jekyll and so on) :) so this would open up a lot of use cases for your app!

Let me know if I can be of any help!

Hi @dkbast
Thank you for your suggestion.
But currently, I don't have any plan to add liquid template because I'm working on bootstrap in these days.
And also I'm not familiar with liquid, maybe I'll need time to check it.

If I'm not wrong, I think you can folk and add liquid templates.
you can simply replace the default blocks here
As they are hard coded.