
Kerning Square Quest Bugs

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Ok so i had a bug on Quest:
Lala & Lana

I approve the task but I'm supposed to get a book of closed finish and nothing happens so I have to cancel and redo it until it lets me finish and I did about 20 times and then worked.

Freesia Scent Over level 35


Hmm, good catch. The Haste skill overrides the vision of scent the client-side has when the "enhanced buff system" (best-fit of buff stats, server-side buff strategy) is applied, hence reaching the bug.

I do not know if this will solve the problem for me but I have a friend who was a ranger and it happened to him and after some 15 time he canceled then worked for him

After that referenced commit, scents' buff is no longer expected to get crossed out the buff list, making the quest complete icon show up for as long as the buff remains on the character.

Yeah got it, finished unbuffed