
Quest "Eliza's Eternal Sleep" (id:3114) can't complete.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

kvmba commented

Can't get award, Server Console display nothing .

Hmm, from the frame it looks like you have access to the quest completion UI. From that, any transaction that may be blocking you from completing the quest should be server-side.

On how that quest used to be (a quest script), the quest used to have the progress checked by qm.getQuestProgress(3114, 7777).

Said this, consider the following:

Try comparing the progress registered on DB: SELECT a.characterid, quest, progressid, progress FROM queststatus a LEFT JOIN questprogress b ON a.queststatusid = b.queststatusid WHERE quest=3114

With the progress expected by the script (which used to be -1 on progressid 7777, but now it goes as "42"):



A solution for that could be either manually change the value on DB to fulfill the player's quest progress, or make it so the 7 note scripts (from npc 2012027) updates towards the expected progress.

Issue patched, thanks for reporting!