
Some skills make others conected players instant crash

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Hi ronan i have been playing your source for around a month and found this issue way back ago, i tried to solve it by myself but couldn't do it. I'll explain it as much detailed as i can.

There are some skills (mostly magic arrows) that makes others cients instant close showing an error:
Error code 5 (acceso denegado) i'd be show in english but i bet its something like "Error code 5 (Denied access)"

The skills that make that error appears are the following:
-Chain Lightning
-Element Composition
-Holy Arrow
-Angel Ray
-Fire Arrow
-Thunder Spear

I've tested every single skill and these are the only ones that make the client crash showing the message named before, i must emphatize that the client that crash is the one whos "seeing" the player doing the skill, the one that execute the skill remains connected with no problems.

I downloaded the commit203_wz and these are the ones i'm current using since a month ago and i got no more bugs than the one i'm talking about, but now i want to play with some friends but that would be a big problem at the end.

Thanks in advance

Edit: i solved the issue copying and pasting in MagicDamageHandler the current one that is at the source, seems like when i downloaded the one i had there was a conflicht with it, just in case someone has the same issue as me just get the current MagicDamageHandler one.. This treath should be closed