
Game crash after speaking to customizer NPC - KIN (ID: 9900000)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

If you are picking a face for example and then press the Escape while in the window chat with the NPC, the game will crash and the character's face will be set to 0 in the database. Manually setting a face value in the DB will resolve this issue...

NPC name is KIN
NPC ID is 9900000

Apologies, but couldn't reproduce this issue.

Is there any special treatment for this to happen?

I commented out the check codeblocks for gmlevel() in the code, not sure if that would introduce this bug...
I did that because I wanted non-gm's to be able to use the customizing feature as well.

I'm assuming perhaps you have commented this section altogether on the remove GM level chore.

if (mode != 1 || cm.getPlayer().gmLevel() < 1){

Perhaps this led to the issue at hand?

I will try to re-add this block with just the mode != 1 condition
Will update this issue ticket once I do

Re-adding it has fixed the bug. Thanks