

williamhjcho opened this issue · 2 comments

In NetworkGetter.get

do {
    let url = try url, query: query)
    makeRequest(url: url, onComplete: onComplete)
} catch where type(of: error) == FrisbeeError.self {
    let error = error as? FrisbeeError ?? .unknown
    return onComplete(.fail(error))
} catch {
    return onComplete(.fail(.other(localizedDescription: error.localizedDescription)))

Errors are caught and converted to a FrisbeeError

It should allow the propagation of Error instead of wrapping it into a FrisbeeError.other(String) since it could potentially remove some important error properties

Just to clarify, do you think that best approach should is FrisbeeError.other(Error) instead String?

I'm more inclined to not have a .other case altogether

It only wraps some unmapped Error on Frisbee's side, which could have an undesired extra mapping stage for whoever uses it

Although a favorable case would be that

"every error thrown by Frisbee is a FrisbeeError"

But Swift doesn't guarantee that in function throws, so the caller would still be dealing with generic Errors then have to convert them to FrisbeeError anyway