
balanced correlations

juandavidgutier opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello @ronikobrosly

I am new with Generalized Propensity Score (GPS), and I am reproducing the script of the example named NHANES_BLL_example.ipynb, of the module causal-curve. My question is how I can get the adjusted (balanced) correlations between the treatment (Blood lead levels) and the potential confounders in the example (Age, Sex_Male, Race_NH_Black, Race_NH_White, Race_Other, Edu_HS, Edu_LT_HS, Smoke_Home_Yes, Baby_NICU_Yes, Food_Often_bad, Food_Sometimes_bad), or how can I evaluate the performance of covariates balance?

I will appreciate a lot your cooperation.


Hi @juandavidgutier , thanks for reaching out. This isn't something I've implemented yet, but this is a very good idea. I did a little googling and came across this paper:
It seems to discuss approaches to assessing covariate balance. I'm really busy these days but can eventually get to it. If you discover an approach and want to contribute here I would love the help!

Hi @ronikobrosly
Thanks a lot for your answer.