
Suggestions not available in visual studio code

Opened this issue · 4 comments

U33r commented

Suggestions are not available when using Blocklike.js in visual studio code
I think Suggestions are a must for educational library
However, it seems that the explanation is written in jsdoc in the code.
How to use with vscode?

I'm not a VS Code user myself, but since it seems the MS bandwagon is pretty full these days. I'll see what I can do. No promises though... ;)

Hi, I'm a technology teacher in Australia and have setup a fork of Scratch for using with Arduino style robots and other hardwares. I very much like your JS library for Scratch because I also use JS for controlling hardwares from the browser. We are using Monaco in the browser (i.e. VScode) because it can do intellisense (syntax suggestions) and we have already done this for our own JS library for the hardwares. I would like to utilise your lib and I would want to create the typescript file for the intellisense in VScode. Would you prefer this be done as a pull into yours or we can inject it in the browser independently of any library? So, I can write the typescript file for your library but do you want it in your lib though? Your thoughts?

So, I can write the typescript file for your library but do you want it in your lib though?

That's great. If you call Pull Request it's best.

OK, sounds like a plan. I'm just doing gamepads for the scratch fork but will get up to this in May. So, I'll get back to you then.