
[Feat] Allow easy configuration

vihu opened this issue · 1 comments

vihu commented

I am always on the lookout for nice dark/light themes. This one is extremely good and I love the minimalist look!

I just wanted to ask for easy configuration, typically the way we'd configure is like so (using bamboo theme as an example):

return {
	lazy = false,
	enabled = true,
	cond = true,
	priority = 1000,
	config = function()
			transparent = true,
			dim_inactive = true,
			term_colors = true,
			code_style = {
				comments = "none",
				conditionals = "none",
				keywords = "none",
				functions = "none",
				strings = "none",
				variables = "none",
			lualine = {
				transparent = true,
			highlights = {
				["@comment"] = { fg = "$grey" },
		vim.o.background = "dark"

It would be very useful if nano could support such configuration style.

Thanks! Yes, it would be very nice to have.