
This repository does not have the full history of the module

Opened this issue · 2 comments

book commented

If @dland can provide me with his repository (CVS, SVN, Git) with the Regexp::Assemble history, I'm volunteering to produce a Git repository with all the history of the module, so that this is not lost.

Thanx. I have no idea how to graft that history into my repo, or visa versa, so if and when you get his repo, we'll have to deal with combining them.

book commented

Until @dland finds his repository somewhere in his backups, an intermediate approach is to start with the gitpan/Regexp-Assemble repository, that holds all published versions of the distribution.

I have managed to produce a first draft, which look good enough. I'll polish it a little (by removing my name from the commits) before pushing it somewhere for you to examine.