
Better way to generate hashes instead of arrays

Kutomore opened this issue · 1 comments


I have a multisheet xlsx file in which the pagename is a class name, and every row name matches an attribute on my database.

I want to do something like

speadsheet =[:file].path, extension: :xlsx)
speadsheet.each_with_pagename  do |name, sheet|
  sheet.each { |row| name.constantize.create(row) }

Which would require me to have the row as a hash instead of an array.

The documentation suggests:

sheet.each(id: 'ID', name: 'FULL_NAME') do |hash|
  puts hash.inspect
  # => { id: 1, name: 'John Smith' }

But having to specify the attributes for each model would make the code very repetitive and ugly, is there a way for me to let the gem know that, for example the id column will match the id attribute?

sheet.each(headers: :first_row) is what you want, but sadly yields the header row at the moment, so you'll have to skip that.

sheet.parse(headers: :first_row).each works correctly, but will cost you a bit more memory.