
Incorrectly parses last row with blank columns

superyarick opened this issue · 2 comments

roo (2.8.3)
Parsing Excel file, in the last row is not parsed correctly. Columns get shifted to the left when blank fields are encountered. This issue does not happen to any other rows.

I am attaching the excel file with CIS Benchmark

@xlsx.sheet(1).each_row_streaming do |row|
          puts 'row  1      -  ' + row[1].to_s
          puts 'row  2      -  ' + row[2].to_s
          puts 'row  3      -  ' + row[3].to_s
          puts 'row  4      -  ' + row[4].to_s
          puts 'row  5      -  ' + row[5].to_s
          puts 'row  6      -  ' + row[6].to_s
          puts 'row  7      -  ' + row[7].to_s
          puts 'row  8      -  ' + row[8].to_s
          puts 'row  9      -  ' + ['9 - ',row[9]].join
          puts 'row  10      -  ' + ['10 - ',row[10]].join
          puts 'row  11      -  ' + ['11 - ',row[11]].join
          puts 'row.length -  ' + row.length.to_s
          puts 'tag_pos.cis_controls  -  ' + tag_pos['cis_controls'].to_s

It will fail on columns 9,10 and 11 on the last row.
Columns 9 and 10 on the last row should be #<Roo::Excelx::Cell::Empty:0x00007f918713cc28> as any other row.

suung commented

We have a different issue here..

we have string values parsed as nil, while numbers work.

This only happens with Excel, with LibreOffice this problem does not exist.