
to_csv not working with ODS when there is a boolean cell

LocoDelAssembly opened this issue · 1 comments

The problem seems to be at:

# TODO: this only works for excelx

However it works if the cell rather than having "TRUE" as boolean type cell it has "=TRUE()". Would break something if :boolean was handled just as if it was a formula?

2.7.1 :036 > ap'./test-fail.ods').to_csv).first
Traceback (most recent call last):
        2: from (irb):35
        1: from (irb):36:in `rescue in irb_binding'
NoMethodError (undefined method `sheet_for' for #<Roo::OpenOffice:0x0000557c95ac7878>)
Did you mean?  sheet
2.7.1 :037 > ap'./test-pass.ods').to_csv).first
    [ 0] "1",
    [ 1] "1.3",
    [ 2] "a",
    [ 3] "25/10/2020",
    [ 4] "2020-10-25",
    [ 5] "3324.23",
    [ 6] "23423",
    [ 7] "0.05",
    [ 8] "01:32:00",
    [ 9] "10:39:00",
    [10] "1.75",
    [11] "true",
    [12] "sarasum"
 => nil 


Thanks - I am seeing exactly this issue too.