
How do I change my language settings?

Opened this issue · 14 comments

I saw that the locales folder has different national languages, but the modification location was not found.

I saw that the locales folder has different national languages, but the modification location was not found.

English is not my mother tongue.

There is no localisation in Nibbler, sorry.

If anyone plans to add multiple languages, contact me and I can provide translation help
thank you
I really need it

There is no localisation in Nibbler, sorry.

then how to use those localization files located in locales folder? e.g. en-GB.pak, es.pak etc.

Those are Electron things, and maybe don't need to be included at all I dunno.

I would like to contribute Chinese localized language interface for nibbler. Would you please tell me how I can contribute.

Well, I've gone ahead and machine translated the menus - other text to follow later, maybe.

You could try and see how it is.

Chinese language GUI fix

File Menu
1 New game 新棋局
(To be consistent with the translation of "game" in "new 960 game")
2 Save this game 保存此棋局
(To be consistent with the translation of "game" in "new 960 game")

Tree Menu
3 Play engine choice 选择对弈引擎
(I understand this menu as: to choose the engine for play, and to be consistent with the translation of "play" in "start self-play")
4 End 末梢节点
(I understand this menu as: the last node, as the opposite of root)
5 Escape 撤退
(to distinguish it from the translation of "exit" in File menu)

Display Menu
6 Draw PV method: final position?
7 Book Freq Arrow: 开局库频率
(To be consistent with the translation of "book" in "use polyglot book/use PGN book/unload book")

Play Menu
8 Play 对弈
9 Play this colour 用此颜色对弈
10 Temp Decay Moves 温度持续步数
(to be consistent with the explanation "in About play modes")
11 About play modes 关于对弈模式

The "play this colour" option causes Leela to evaluate one side of the position only. The top move is automatically played on the board upon reaching the node limit (see the Engine menu). This allows you to play against Leela.
The "self-play" option causes Leela to play itself.
Higher temperature makes the moves less predictable, but at some cost to move correctness.
Meanwhile, Temp Decay Moves specifies how many moves the temperature effect lasts for. These settings have no effect on analysis, only actual move generation.

“用此颜色对弈”选项会让 Leela 只评估局面的一边。当达到节点限制(见引擎菜单)时,棋盘上将自动走出最佳走法。这样您就可以与 Leela 对弈了。
“自我对弈”选项会让 Leela 与自己下棋。
同时,“温度持续步数”(Temp Decay Moves)指定了温度效果持续的步数。这些设置对分析没有影响,只影响实际走法的生成。

Point 3 - the item is to select a move from the engine and play it, e.g. if the engine's top move is c4, play c4.

Claude suggests 執行引擎選擇

Thanks, I got it. Then I think it would be more appropriate to translate it as "选择引擎走法". This Chinese phrase translates to English is: "choose engine move". Claude's translation of this phrase is not wrong but it can be ambiguous. Overall, your work on Chinese translation of nibbler GUI menus is perfect 100.

Found some minor confusion between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese in rc2.

In Traditional Chinese, there are 2 phrases from Simplified Chinese.

Let's fix:

File menu
Save this game... 儲存此棋局...

Display menu
Book frequency arrows 開局書頻率箭頭

In Simplified Chinese, there are several phrases missed fixing.

Let's fix:

File menu
Save this game... 保存此棋局

Display menu
Book frequency arrows 开局书频率箭头
(let the translation of "book" be consistent with that in Traditional Chinese)

Tree Menu
Play engine choice 执行引擎走法

Play menu
Use polyglot book... 使用polyglot开局书...
Use PGN book... 使用PGN开局书...
Unload book / abort load 卸载开局书/中止加载
Book depth limit 开局书深度限制
Temp Decay moves 温度递减步数
About play mode 关于对弈模式

Done, thank you.

@Bohan-Song Which language was it you wanted? Translation stuff is happening now. Menus first, no guarantees it goes any further than that...

@Bohan-Song Which language was it you wanted? Translation stuff is happening now. Menus first, no guarantees it goes any further than that...

Both Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese are ok.
it's ok .
Thanks so much !!!